[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/lvJGhN8.jpg?1[/img] [h2][color=gray]Sloane Shields[/color] | [color=gray]35[/color] | [color=gray]Witch[/color][/h2][/center] [hider=Info][b][color=gray]Appearance:[/color][/b] Despte her age, Sloane can be easily mistaken to be in her mid 20s. Her pale green eyes stand out the most: although mostly a clear and icy green, flecks of deeper emerald and gold dot the irises. She tends to wear dark eyeliner and eye shadow that compliments the color. Sloane’s skin is dark brown in contrast, and she wears make up to accent her high cheekbones. Her dreadlocks are dark brown–nearly black–in color and are styled like a Mohawk with both sides shaved close to her scalp. Sometimes they're down, but she usually ties them back. She walks with a tall, confident demeanor but also hides herself under layers of robes. Under her clothes, toned arms and legs stretch far, emphasizing her height and slimness. She also has tattoos behind her ear, neck, on her back and legs, hips, below her chest, and..elsewhere. When it comes to jewelry, she has multiple piercings in her ears. She’ll sometimes have thick bracelets and rings on, as well. Height/Weight: 5'10" / 135 lbs Notable Tattoos: A tree of life on the back of her neck that has roots that extend down to her back tattoos. This tattoo is what gives her extended life. On the inside of her arm, she has “seize the night” scripted in Elvish. It allows her to read and speak the language fluently and was one of her first tattoos. [b][color=gray]Personality:[/color][/b] When it comes to people, she can come off friendly enough, though she’s rather apathetic behind the smiles. She’s far more interested in art and animals and magic, but she recognizes the importance and usefulness in others. Still, when her mood is soured, she can be sadistic and cruel to those she feel has wronged her–though, at times, she finds herself acting pointlessly cruel sometimes out of impatience or defensiveness. Needless to say, Sloane tends to look out for herself before others. However, she can easily bond with another over similar interests. She likes being active and loves to travel. [b][color=gray]Magic:[/color][/b] Her general magic isn't particularly strong, but she spends a lot of time on her spells. And the spells linked to her tattoos are particularly strong. However, her tree of life of tattoo works by stealing life from others via the ink of tattoos she gives them. Some she convinces by making deals with them--promising them something in exchange for the tattoo--and business has grown with the chaos. Few--typically bandits--simply want a tattoo. And why shouldn't a woman witch bow to their wishes? So she does, without mentioning the fact their life will end prematurely. [b][color=gray]Equipment:[/color][/b] Cloak, to hide her person when she wants to be inconspisious. Dagger, under her skirt on her thigh. Used not only for self defense, but blood magic. Bag. Leather. Relatively large, compared to her thin frame, and carries some of her money and supplies. [b][color=gray]History:[/color][/b] Pre-Grey: Magic has run in her family for a long time, though the farthest back she remembers is her grandfather who was particularly powerful. He taught her the magic she knows now growing up since his next in line–her father–wasn’t around to do so. While he raised her in magic, her mother raised her in a normal life of chores and child rearing. Of course, she wasn't particularly interested in all that, but she was interested a boy. She became pregnant well before marriage; then the two planned to marry. Although upset, her mother and grandfather were supportive and life mostly continued as normal. Post-Grey: Until she lost everything, save for her newborn daughter. But she was young and alone, and she couldn't raise the girl on her own. So she struggled to find someone who would take in the baby. She was continuously turned away...but she eventually found a noble--in every sense of the word--to take in the child. Relieved but alone, Sloane was able to focus on supporting herself: she took odd jobs, fortune telling, and occasionally worked in a tavern but she never stayed in one place for long. However, it was difficult. She refused to fall into prostitution, and she would steal as she needed; all the while, struggling with her magic. And in her late teens, she developed her enchanted ink for her tattoos. Her aging is slowed and has been for about 15 years, and she continues to travel. She has plans to return to her daughter soon, as well.[/hider] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/xTpYpWi.jpg[/img] [h2][color=lightgreen]Evangelion Beauregard[/color] | [color=lightgreen]20[/color] | [color=lightgreen]Human[/color][/h2][/center] [hider=Info][b][color=lightgreen]Appearance:[/color][/b] She stands tall as a noble and her gait alone could give her away as one in a crowd of peasants or bandits. But, among true nobility and royalty, she stands rather unassuming and tired and her frame is curvy. Her most distinctive feature, save for the freckles on her olive face, are her eyes: one cool green to match the mother's she never met and the other a solemn brown. Her hair is dark, and her lips are full, a major contrast to her fairer adopted family. She's wearing a plain dress and her hair is a mess at her shoulders. Leather shoes and a cloak are her best protection right now. Height / Weight: 5’8” (174 cm) / 175 lbs. [b][color=lightgreen]Personality:[/color][/b] Evangelion--who prefers Eva but will never say so--has a lot to say but rarely says it. She's perceptive and intuitive, but has to learn to stop second guessing herself. While cared for, she wasn't given as much attention as her adopted siblings so she has grown to excel at keeping herself busy whether it's with learning a new skill or with a boy or girl. While she spends a lot of time in her shell, she is actually quite extroverted and craves stimulation of all sorts: social, intellectual, physical, emotional. Despite all this, she's shy and not fully comfortable or confident with herself. [b][color=lightgreen]Equipment:[/color][/b] * A bag of a couple days worth of clothing. * Within the bag, gold and jeweled jewelry she's hoping to trade for food and a place to stay. * A horse named War, not the finest steed for endurance, but fast. [b][color=lightgreen]Background:[/color][/b] At the sacrifice of their citizens, the Beauregard family continued to strive without issue in Post-Grey life. Sure, they couldn't fully season their meats and veggies as much as they'd like, rationing luxuries such as sugar and cinnamon. But, for the Beauregards, life continued mostly normal. Evangelion, in fact, was mostly ignorant to the strife just outside her home. It wasn't until she spent time with a handsome but angry and talkative stable boy did she learn of the terrible conditions outside. When she expressed nothing but apathy for his struggle, he stopped meeting her. Only a nag in the back of her mind, Evangelion worried about herself and her adopted family. It was harder to ignore whispers in the home of revolt and rebellion, however. But she ignored it along with the cold feeling in her chest and stomach. Until it was blatantly stated otherwise, everything was fine. And then it wasn't: she remembers awakening in the middle of the night to chaos. Citizens within the walls of her home, bandits and lowlifes too. All thoughts of loyalty to this family were abandoned that night. She escaped, years of neglect from the Beauregard family a blessing in disguise as she wasn't fully recognized as one of them. She packed her plainest clothing and stole a horse before riding off, away from the chaos and into..well, she'll find even more chaos. [/hider]