[hr][h1][i][color=Lawngreen]Sonya Mayfield[/color], & [color=MediumAquamarine]Jan Sawyer[/color].[/i][/h1][hr] Whelp! While Maxi and Henry are working out their little difference, Sonya figured that she should, ah, find something else to do. She probably could have walked Trevor home, but the sonny-boy has everything under control. After all, he's been in this city longer than Sonya has. She was walking down the halls of the headquarters, and figured that she'd contact their little voice with a computer. Naturally, her fingers went to her earpiece, and she said, "Grue! What's going on in Verthaven that I can help with?" "You can call me Dana." Dana answered. "I like the name Grue more - but that isn't important." Sonya said. Dana groaned before saying, "The rest of RAVEN is out on a mission at the moment...." She trailed off, looking through some files on her computer-screen. "Staking out some more members of the Hands of Science... Hey, by the way." She trailed off "There's a new member of RAVEN, January Sawyer. Just joined the Task Force now." "Oh! Sounds delightful!" Sonya said. "Where is she? I'd like to have a word with her." "She's with I&I, so she's in that part of the building." Dana started off. "Desk 263." "Good, I'll be right there!" Sonya said. "... Just take it easy on her. She's pretty new. To NEST I mean." [hr] It was a short trip through the building to go from the firing range to the Intelligence and Information branch involving lots of elevators and climbing! Sonya managed to arrive there. Now, she needs to find Desk 263... She was at desk 219. God damn it. It took even more time for Sonya to find Jan's specific desk. However, the moment the amphibian arrived, she hopped right over to Jan's desk, and put her hands down on it (Getting a little bit of her mucus on it). She gave Jan a smile. "Hello there! You January Sawyer!?" Sonya asked. "I hope so, because that means that the team's eyes were wrong. Anyways, I am [i]Sonya Mayfield[/i], darling. I came here to meet our newest RAVEN!" Jan looked up from her desk at the strange sound of Sonya's hands plashing onto her desk. She jumped slightly, having previously been staring at the contents of the cardboard box of supplies she had brought from home. There was now a sticky residue on her desk, and she raised her eyebrows slightly at the mess. "Yeah...Jan's fine," she finally replied, looking up at the woman and trying to offer a convincing smile. "Jan? Jan's great." Sonya started off, nodding her head. "Well, welcome to the team. I bet that you're just about ready to fight those dastardly Hands! Have you met the rest of RAVEN? Leon? Henry? Max? Quentin?" "Um no...I don't think so..." Jan trailed off, trying to keep her voice both audible and calm enough for Sonya to hear. "There was just a woman at HR that told me where to put my stuff." She shrugged, "actually, they haven't told me a whole lot about what's going on." "You're one of those I&I chaps anyway. You probably looked at their files!" Sonya said, snickering a little bit. "Well, if you need a few pointers, I'm here for you. I'm a ten-year NEST Agent, and heavily experienced sniper - with over [i]three-hundred[/i] confirmed kills - I can help ya' with just about anything." Jan smiled in response, "Thanks. Ten years, huh? That's a long time. Where you military before this?" Sonya seemed nice, a bit overenthusiastic, but nice. "Well," Sonya's eyes drifted over to the side for a moment. "No. I was with a gang a while back. Was young and stupid... Eh, heard of Mendel and that crisis?" "A bit, nothing real specific though." Jan admitted. "Well, I rolled with one of the gangs for a little bit with my wifey... before I got my ass kicked by agents and thrown into a cell. When I turned eighteen, they told me that they'd let me out if I agree to join them." Sonya said. "So, in short; no, I wasn't with military." Her tongue flopped out of her mouth for a moment. Jan looked at Sonya, trying to determine if she'd offended her or not. She hadn't meant to bring up old wounds, but she figured that if the amphibian had been bothered, she wouldn't have said anything about her past. "Oh...sorry," Jan finally said, blushing slightly, "I didn't mean to pry or anything." "Oh, what? No, no, no." Sonya shook her head with her eyes closed, before opening them with that same stupid grin on her face. "I'm [i]glad[/i] that happened. I finally stopped being a little troublemaker and dedicated myself to improving society! And became a kickass agent while I was at it." Jan chuckled a little bit. "Well it's good you see it that way." She paused for a moment, surveying Sonya. "So what are these other members of RAVEN like?" Jan had always found herself oddly comfortable around chatty, boisterous types, and Sonya seemed to fit that description at first impression. "Gladly!" Sonya started off, and briefly thought about where to begin. She could start with Maria! Or Henry! Might as well start with good ol' Maxi. "Team leader, and defacto Director of this particular branch is Maximilian. He's a real hardened man, and one of the best and brightest of NEST. We wouldn't have won half our fights without him, or his Echo... Though, I think that we have been pushing him just a [i]little[/i]." A little doesn't cover it. "Adam, you definitely would have heard of him. He's an old man, but, he, in his hayday, was one of [i]the[/i] best NEST Agents, and served as a mentor. Then there's Henry... when you see him, you'll know exactly who he is. Because he's this huuuuge-ass lizard person. Just like how I'm a frog girl!" She put her hands up, and showed off her long fingers with bulbous tips, and retracted the webbing in between her fingers for a moment. "He's my partner. A spotter - because, have you seen him shoot? You'll swear he's been aiming with parkinsons! Then there's my wife, Maria! Again you can't miss her. Well, if she's disguised you might, but when you see her true form, you'll probably be weirded out far worse than ever before. Because she's made of ink!" Jan laughed. "Then there's Leon... The All-Seer... We swear he's drunk half the time - we only keep him around because his power too useful to give away." Sonya stood straight up, and extended a finger. Standing valiantly. "That's the sacrifice we have to make! After all. Quentin, I haven't talked to him that much. Nice guy, he's kinda quiet and all that. Though, a competent member of RAVEN - unlike Leon. Helena, she's kind of a stick in the mud, but she's fast. She can basically teleport! And she keeps a cool head in the field. We also have Daphne Hope, a little bit of a weirdo. I like to call her our plant weirdo! She's a member of I&I, and helps us find threats with her plant powers so we don't get murdered. Though, she likes to give everyone goofy nicknames." She started laughing. "Nikki, she's a nice little gal that got into NEST the same way that I have. Though, she has one of the scariest powers I've seen; bugs! Swarms of 'em! I hope she stays on [i]our[/i] side. Then we have Savanah, she's a cat Metahuman like me and Henry. Haven't seen much of her, but she's quite charming. And last but not least, our eyes: the two mission controls over RAVEN. Dana Alcott, and Elias Winzer! Dana is like the nicest mission control ever, though I feel like we take her for granted sometimes... even though she's one of the strongest Agents. Eli, he's more of Henry's personal mission control, but damn he's good." Sonya's tongue flopped out of her mouth again. "And that's all of 'em. We're like one big family! Any questions?" "Um...no, not really," Jan said, her head spinning a bit from all the information. She was fairly confident that she would remember next to none of that information, but it was good to have some idea of who was who. "Great, then!" Sonya said. "You should get familar with them! Lovely group of people, and they could save your life." Jan nodded "That's certainly true, though I'm not sure how much time I'll be spending in the field. I mean, I'd [i]like[/i] to, of course...but..." she trailled off. "I'm not sure how much help I'd be, especially since I don't know much about the current state of things." "Oh coooooome on, you're I&I. You should know everything!" Sonya started laughing. Well, this is unexpected. They put her in RAVEN, and didn't even tell her a thing! They were probably going to make Max do it - but he's busy punching Henry, so Sonya will have to do. "Okay, do you at [i]least[/i] know about the Hands or the Changelings?" "I know a little bit about the Hands. As far as the Changelings...they're either kidnapping infants or have a poor understanding of literary allusions, if I'm not mistaken." "Alright, lemme start from the top." Sonya took in a deep breath. "Hands of Science were uncovered experimenting on people about a month ago, and our [i]former[/i] director, Miranda Caryl, was making deals on the side with both those assholes. Which is a change from the sex scandals that those horny bastards get into - but that's neither here nor there, really. Fast forward a few weeks, and we get our hands - hehe - on a Changeling, Mark Emerson, after he took the baby of the esteemed leader of I&I Lihua. Thanks to him, we get information on the Changelings in Verthaven, and launch an attack on them. We took out the mooks, but once we got to the leaders, the Hands just dropped a superweapon on us. It literally came out of nowhere. Fortunately, we managed to capture [i]it[/i] while the leaders of the Unit disappeared." Sonya explained. "That's when we formed RAVEN - Oh, I feel like one of those wikipedia articles now!" Jan laughed, "Well, that's probably an accurate assessment. Thanks for filling me in. I hope I didn't take you away from any important work." "But there's [i]more[/i]!" Sonya explained. "And don't worry. If I was doing anything important... I'd be doing it - well, always ready to help another Agent." "Oh? "Now, as I was saying, we formed RAVEN, and we followed the worker bees all the way to their Headquarters. Which we raided the following night after employing a little chemical warfare and hacking. It was a bit of a pain in the ass, and Max and Henry got their asses kicked, but we managed to take out a [i]major[/i] Hands operation and captured hundreds of scientists and REAPERS, and liberated many, many, more people. Along with bagging those Changelings that got away. Finally helping our shitty reputation a bit. Oh yeah, and we knocked over a few smaller labs, but that isn't important.." Sonya explained. "And here we are, chasing after the top brass of the Hands. So far we have absolutely [i]no[/i] god damn clue where the hell they went! They might be in Nigeria by now." Sonya started laughing. "And that's that." Jan furrowed her eyebrows for a moment, "So what's with that man on the news? The one who claims to be a member of a mercenary group? Do you know anything about that?" "Oh, them?" Sonya raised an eyebrow, and that cheery smile turned flat. "To level with ya', I don't quite know myself. They were hired by high-comannd during the whole Fiends shitstorm, and they helped out a bit before they [i]told[/i] us they vanished. Eh, I don't know why they hired them, instead of calling in people like me. I don't trust mercenary types to begin with - because they got no conviction, no [i]honour[/i]. Only in it for the money. You catch my drift?" "Oh absolutely. I didn't exactly get good vibes from whomever they were interviewing, and he certainly didn't seem to think highly of NEST." "I wouldn't worry too much about it. [i]RAVEN[/i] will get results, and bring an end to those bastards at the Hands." Sonya shrugged. "Push comes to shove, and Maxi gives the order, I'll put one between the bugger's eyes before he ever figures out what's going on." Sonya shrugged again. Well, she hoped it didn't come down to a fight, but she doesn't exactly trust the Dreads not one bit. [i]Something[/i] didn't add up to the whole "hiring mercenaries" thing, so she was going to be on guard. But that's, again, neither here nor there. "Now, speaking of getting results," Sonya started off, facing Jan and giving her a smile. "... You need some experience, obviously - and I'm just the person to help you!" "H-help me? With what?" Jan said, uncertain, but trying not to be rude to Sonya. "Get your feet wet, of course!" Sonya said. "Look, I like you, but all that training isn't going to do jacksquat if you never put it to good use. So, [i]maybe[/i] we can go find a mission, for the two of us! There's lots of stuff going on in this mad, mad, city - so it shouldn't be a challenge." "Well...alright," Jan conceeded, still a bit overwhelmed by the day's sudden turn of events. Sonya [i]did[/i] have a point. "So where too?" She asked amicably, standing up. "Good ask the Grue! Oh yeah, that's Dana, in case you didn't catch that." Sonya said, before she pressed her earpiece. "Dana! I'm with our rookie January, and I'm wondering if there's a job out there for us. Maybe the REAPERS are setting orphanages on fire? Or [i]maybe[/i] the Changelings are stealing cand-" "I have intel that there's REAPER activity in the Iron District." Dana started off. "A couple suspected REAPERS." "Oh that's not good." Sonya said. "Think me and Jan can handle it?" "Of course." "Alright then, that settles it." Sonya turned back to Jan. "Found us a little job, just some REAPER knuckleheads up to no good, you ready?" Jan laughed, "Sounds good." She didn't think she would have had much of a choice, even if she had said no. But this would be good for her. Right?