Being called up for repairs was a pretty common thing for Aldous, and he never complained, seeing as it was his job. But this time was quite a bit different. In all the times he'd been asked up to the bridge, he'd never slammed his head against a rail and was knocked unconscious. As he came to, he was greeted by darkness on all sides and a sudden sharp pain on his forehead. Aldous struggled to lift himself up, using the rail that knocked him out in the first place to lift himself to his feet. Almost as soon as he was standing upright, he nearly collapsed onto the ground once more. The mechanic landed on one knee and supported himself on the rail with both hands as he began to cough hysterically. It took quite a bit for the oxygen to actually breach his lungs. Aldous took a moment to wonder if it was worth waking up on a broken spaceship with a ridiculous near-asphyxiation headache. He quickly decided that these thoughts weren't his and he finally stood to his feet in time to hear some of the other crew speaking and waking. "Mechanic over here!" Aldous called out, awkwardly shuffling around things over to them as he stubbed his toe and accidentally walked into literally anything possible on the way as he uttered every swear he knew in any language.