[center][h3][color=1a7b30]Araguay Woods[/color][/h3][/center] [@Eklispe][@Lugia][@Evanist] The night passed in silence, no alarms or incidents to report. As the final patrols made their way back to the camp, things still remained calm throughout the masses. Over towards the command tent, one could see a single scribe rush forth from the tent into the campground. Shortly after, the familiar figures of Robin and The Summoner emerged from the tent, flanked by Vernier and Holliander- both in their respective arms and armor. Those who listened, could hear the scribe calling for an assembly around the HQ, stating the new commander was to be named. Over towards the civilian sector, another group was gathering as well- though no announcement or clamoring could be heard. The entire mass was diverse, all manner of creatures present and seeming to whisper amongst themselves. However, the stables remained unmanned since the night before. The wyvern was still outside the corral, but sleeping soundly with no signs of distress or agitation.