Welcome to this RP set in a 1800s styled world with fantasy elements thrown in. Feel free to suggest things that may be beneficial to the world. Have fun with creating your nation and play off of others. More will be added to this description as others join. [img]http://i.imgur.com/ktGmfLS.jpg[/img] GENERAL INFORMATION Flag: Country name: Age: Demonym: Capital(s): Outsiders view: History: INHABITANTS Race: GEOGRAPHY Land Claim: ECONOMY Resources: Exporting: Importing: Currency: Agriculture and farming: RELIGION SPECIFIC TO NATION IF ANY Name: Important deity/deities: Semi-important deities: Creation myth: History: Purpose: Afterlives: Sacrifices?: Morals: SOCIAL Head of state: Form of government: Classes: Education: Slavery: Morals: MILITARY Weaponry: Numbers: Infantry: Field artillery: Cavalry: Medics/clerics: Special forces: Navy: WAR Currently at war with: Reason behind conflict: Previous wars?: Previous civil wars?: LIFE EXPECTANCY Average life expectancy: