[@Little Loser] Jiro let a few seconds hang there trying to think on how to respond making it more uncomfortable for everyone. It seems the more he talks with Takuma the more stranger his impression of him gets. [color=ed1c24]"Um, that's nice to know...i guess. As to your previous question, no I don't, or rather, I can't...because, um..."[/color] He responded and let out a little to much information than he wanted. Catching a glance of curiosity in their eyes, decided he best be on his way. [color=ed1c24]Never mind. Anyway it was nice meeting you two and thank you both for your time and help. I think I'll explore a little more before the ceremony."[/color] He said backing away slowly. He gave a wave goodbye and did a small jog to separate from the small group. Now that he was out of that "mess" he didn't know where to go, and it was 8:20, so he still had about thirty more minutes to burn. Jiro went with the easiest option and went to see who the girl by the tree was. It seemed strange he asked this girl over to the group when there were plenty of other people about as well. Then again she could of been the first person he saw at random, when tried changing the subject. He didn't like criticizing people before he truly knows them but Takuma was REALLY awkward. He felt like there wasn't a reason to bring another person into the group unless it was a friend of theirs. And then there was Kiyoshi who was seemed nice, though it was hard to tell since he didn't technically speak. Jiro put two and two together and assumed he was a mute, but again it was to early to harshly judge anyone just from a few sentences. This went through his head ask he was walked to the tree with the girl Takuma pointed out. She looked pretty though it looked like she didn't even bother trying to make herself look that way with the baggy hoodie. She was shorter than him and much paler like she didn't go outside to often, and seemed awfully slender. He put on a smile hoping his look he brought back from America didn't scare her and said as he leaned on the tree, [color=ed1c24]"Hey, My name is Jiro. I was transferred her from America and I was hoping you wouldn't mind if I kill a half an hour talking with you before we, or at least I, head to the front for the opening ceremony?"[/color]