[color=black][b][i]In the beginning... The Uncanny Avengers were formed some time after the events of A vs X [or Avengers vs X-Men] to try and bridge the gap between mutants and average humans by actively recruiting more mutants into the Avengers. The initial line up had Captain America [Steve Rogers] letting Cyclops' brother Havoc take the field leader role with Scarlet Witch, Rogue, Thor, and Wolverine. Later on the group would gain another mutant in Sunfire, as well as Wonder Man and the Wasp. The team mostly fought against the Red Skull. In the flagship Avengers team, the group gained mutant members Sunspot, Cannonball, and Manifold. After some time, the original team was replaced with a new group with the current Capt. America [Falcon]. It included the Vision, Rogue returning once more as well as Scarlet Witch, with new additions in the form of Quicksilver, Sabretooth, and Brother Voodoo. Jump ahead to where the team stands today. Now, Old Man Steve [Rogers] still fights the good fight after being aged a few decades in a reality altering adventure and wants to see this team push forward. Now along with Spiderman, the Human Torch, Brother Voodoo, Rogue, Synapse, Deadpool, Quicksilver, and Cable the team fights on. [/i][/b][/color] -------------------------------- Got all that? If not, if you only know like 3 characters from above, then THAT'S why I want to out-do all of that mess. I'm a super-geek when it comes to the stuff, and to me none of the teams really had any mph. What I hope to get with this game [that will mostly be some form of cannon characters] is a couple Avengers and a few mutants from the X-Teams and maybe one original hero that can be mutant or other. Our mission, depending on our team, will be determined by the older Steve Rogers who's now inactive in the field. What would happen if folks like Magneto, Iceman, Colossus, and Banshee fought alongside Avengers like Captain Marvel [formerly Ms. Marvel], Black Widow, and Hawkeye? Other than Old Man Steve I've no clue what types of heroes will show up in this. I generally can't stand Deadpool or Wolverine, so the less CS's for those two the better. Also be as original as you can with your Character Sheets, I hope nobody just copy/pastes something from a wiki somewhere. None of the previous history matters, I just explained the evolution of the team for anybody that finds that kind of thing interesting. I usually like to know what's come before in terms of history myself. Roles needing filled are as follows: [field leader, mutant or other] [powerhouse Avenger] [secondary Avenger] [mutant] [mutant] [mutant] [wildcard, mutant or other] [original, mutant or other] ^^^^ I'll fill whatever space with my character I need to. I'll give everyone interested first dibs. You can go ahead and show your interest and post WIP sheets here if you'd like. Character Sheets MUST include but are not limited to: Name - [secret ID] Alias - [super code-name] Age - Powers - Weaknesses - Previous Affiliation - [which Avengers team or X-Team did you come from?] Personality - [three words that best describe your hero] Appearance - [description or image] Brief Bio - [Don't get long winded or assume everyone is using every bit of cannon material. Characters themselves have to be cannon, not their histories...] Notes - [your character different than the cannon in any major ways?] Sample Post - [About a paragraph with a little dialog! Just so I know you can give the character their own voice...] -------------------------------- If there's enough interest I'll try and finish fleshing out any plots in terms of who we'll be facing off against and why. I don't think it'll be somebody as big as the Red Skull, but maybe a group like the Serpent Society or a new player in Latveria trying to take over in Doom's absence. I'm sure we'll think of something. Now where are all of the Marvel Zombies hiding? ~KL~