[@Mr Allen J] Gotta love those Mary Jane type characters. I believe I mentioned a special lady I RP'd with on a different site before. She was similar in the way her characters (or shall I say Character as she used the same one for each and every game she was in) always seemed to be perfect. She also always had her as a young teenage girl and ALWAYS used anime as her character image. Now, I am not against anime in any sense, but I find it kills the mood for me in some games when others use detailed cartoons/art styles as their image, and then there's this bug-eyed anime girl. It just kills it for me. Unless the game is very anime-centric, then by all means. I agreed with your view on Advanced section. I love having detailed sheets and posts. However, I've also had it where I can't make a detailed post or maybe I'm in a sour mood and don't want to. I think having short posts are ok in that sense, but it should mean having them be more detailed.