[@OneWayOut] Tentative character sheet. Let me know what you think needs to be improved. [hider=Character] [center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/characters/16/271059.jpg[/img] [color=DC143C]"Just take the punches as they come, and then give them back one of your own. That's all any of us can do."[/color][/center] [b]Name[/b]: Dawn Agresta [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Race[/b]: Human [b]Appearance:[/b] When not wearing the school uniform, Dawn tends towards more casual clothes, such as jeans and plain t shirts, with the addition of a jacket if she feels in the mood. She stands about 5'8" or so, and weighs about 154 lbs. She wears her hair in a distinctive style, covering one eye, yet it doesn't really inhibit her vision at all. She tends to carry a small notepad with her, to record ideas when they pop up. [b]Weapon Name[/b]: Swift Iron [b]Weapon Appearance/Function[/b]: [center][img]http://img09.deviantart.net/5770/i/2015/110/6/0/pistol_tonfa_by_kibaboy4-d6l7ad4.png[/img][/center] [b]Type:[/b] Melee/Ranged, Defensive, uses Dust ammunition. [b]Weapon Derivation[/b]: Tonfa, Machine Pistols [b]Holstered/Sheathed Appearance[/b]: It looks like two holstered, long barreled pistols. [b]Form 1[/b]: It only has one form, and does not transform. To switch between the various aspects of the weapon, the tonfa are merely flipped, so the barrel points towards the enemy, and the trigger can be better gripped. Oh, and as opposed to the picture above, it's black and brown, like a regular weapon. [b] Personality[/b]: Dawn is relatively laissez faire, not interfering in people's lives unless she feels like she needs to. While she can be laid back, she can also be serious when the situation calls for it. Some might see her as brooding or aloof, but that is more just because she is a contemplative person overall, one who considers her options before acting. When fighting, she moves to resolve a conflict as rapidly as possible, and in conversation she tries to keep an amicable mood, while standing for her principles as well. [b]History:[/b] Born in Mistral, Dawn never really considered herself the kind of person to become a Huntress. Growing up, she had been entranced by those sorts of stories, but had always figured that she would become a writer, someone to chronicle the big events, rather than be involved in them herself. That would be the province of her older brother, who she considered to be much more athletic and inclined to that sort of thing than her. But she was mistaken. It wasn't that anything tragic happened to him, no. She found herself being swayed by the rise in violence, and the desire that she had to do something to help out, to put a stop to it. Radicalism couldn't be allowed to rule the day. Her parents supported her, giving her training in martial arts for self defense, just in case. She quickly found that she had a knack for it, and even competed in a tournament or two, though she didn't win anything. It was at one of those tournaments that she was scouted by a recruiting agent from Beacon, trying to get her to enter. It took some thought, but eventually she agreed. Not only would she get to help people, but she would also get access to a top notch education at the same time. Even if she didn't continue on as a Huntress, that would be worth a lot. So with the well wishes of her older brother and her parents, she headed off, to begin her education. [b]Emblem:[/b] [img]http://i00.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/639908922/Car-stickers-font-b-emblem-b-font-car-motorcycle-reflective-personalized-applique-front-bumper-font-b.jpg[/img] [b]Other[/b]: Likes to play card games. [b]Color:[/b] [color=DC143C]Crimson[/color] [b]Combat Style[/b]: When fighting at range, Dawn is offensive focused, keeping enemies suppressed so that her teammates can close in and get to dealing damage, as well as dealing with more armored targets. At close range she follows a more defensive style, akin to Okinawan Martial Arts. She uses it for protection along the arm and blocking, then for swift strikes and thrusts, relying on speed and reflexes to aid in that defense, aiming to wear down her opponent before going for the kill. [b]Strengths and Weaknesses[/b]: [u]Strengths[/u] -Very flexible between ranged and melee capabilities. -Defensive style is effective at conserving Aura, making her a more effective long term fighter. -Speed and agility are unhindered. [u]Weaknesses[/u] -No effective counter for heavy ranged or melee weapons. -Sufficient armor can bypass her offensive capabilities. -Not as geared towards combating Grimm as it is people. [b]Semblance[/b]: [i]Word crafting[/i] - Dawn's semblance is a bit unusual. By writing down something and then channeling her Aura into it, she can create a 'Shade' a copy of whatever it was that she wrote down. The more Aura she puts into it, the more solid and tangible it will be. This can also be used for effects, if she attaches the paper to the object she wants affected, and like above the more energy she puts in, the more drastic the effect is. [/hider]