Arcantas did not normally care for this sort of field work, but he had to admit that this mission had a certain appeal to it. The mundane guards in front of him were far simpler prey than he usually had to deal with, and the caravan before them was a fine prize. Like a fruit on the vine, sweet and ripe. While control and summoning were the dracon's forte, he decided to set aside any remaining complains he had and join in the assault. He aimed his staff and charged up a fireball, feeling the grass beneath his claws turn cold and dry as he pulled heat from his immediate surroundings to give the spell and extra kick. Seeing that Ivo had already initiated the attack, it was up to him to keep up the momentum. As the caravan tried to flee, Arcantas' fireball impacted the ground in front of them, spreading flame along one of their few escape routes. They wouldn't be going anywhere. Eyes glowing a fiery red, the wizard gestured for the others to press on. His direct attack wasn't as strong as that of Ivo's, but then, combat magic not his primary skill.