[hr][indent][b][I]Mariand'r Grayson[/i][/b][/indent][hr] If she had to be in the A.R.C. session, at least she'd get to hit something. Soaring into the air, Mari made her way across the snowy field alongside S'tann and the others before flying straight into the blizzard. "[i]Fuckin'[/i] Freddie!" Mari cursed aloud as the cold enveloped her completely. Projecting a burst of starbolts, a ring of steam emitted from her body as the snow around her temporarily evaporated. As S'tann gave the order for Mars to hit the door, Mari let loose a concentrated blast of starbolts, metal and concrete alike would both weaken after prolonged exposure to heat. Especially after the freezing temperatures of Freddie's blizzard. In some ways he had actually helped them more than hindered them. Well at least that would have been the case if Mari could actually see where she was aiming as the glowing green barrage hit erratically along the surface of the door as Mari struggled to hold herself steady in the blistering winds. [hr][indent][b][I]Aiden Roth[/i][/b][/indent][hr] Kieran made some logical adjustments to his plan and Aiden had to respect that but something was still bothering him about this particular simulation. John Stewart was known for complex simulations, there was story to them. The group hadn't been assigned arbitrary team names, there was a meaning behind them and with a name like the Suicide Squad, Aiden couldn't help but think he had missed something. "[sub]What do we know about the Suicide Squad.[/sub]" He muttered to non one in particular as the rest of the team went to work. The Suicide Squad was used by Amanda Waller as a sort of moral-less covert black ops team. He had learned that much from several of his history classes which focused on the various team organizations of their world. But what was notable about them? Aiden couldn't remember for the life of him any particular exploits. Walking around the main room, Aiden nearly walked into a class canister as he suddenly looked up before jumping back. Shock and fear filled his eyes momentarily as his eyes briefly glowed red. Inside the canister was a face staring back at him as it floated above a spinal column separated from the rest of the body. "This was a testing facility..." Aiden paused as he began to process the information. "That means we were the test subjects. Which could only mean..." He reached behind his head, feeling the simulated scar tissue as the key piece of information came back to him about the Suicide Squad. "We have bombs in our necks." He almost cursed before communicating with the rest of the team. "Kieran, we're going about this all wrong. We're still pretending to be heroes." He paused as his mind raced to figure out the best way to proceed. "We need to draw back our bomb squad, arm the explosives to explode if..." The building suddenly shook as S'tann's attack made contact. "Scratch that, Julian the bombs are located under the building's central supports. Detonate the ones at the front of the facility, lets see if we can't take out some of theirs with that." Aiden crossed his arms before calling the team. "Everyone return to where we came in, bring the hostages, we're turning this place into a death trap for the opposing team. They won't expect us to be unpredictable but we need to take a page out of the Joker's hand book." Walking over to Julian, Aiden leaned over the control console. "Can you broadcast a message to those ASS-holes, I'd like to tell them that for every foot they make it into the building, we're taking a finger from the hostages."