[@RhineQueen] Once recovered, as well as she could, anyway, Sif blinked out dark spots in her vision, and began to make a mental checklist in her head and check it off. The checklist had nothing to do with the current situation, not with anything around her at the time. It was just a simple checklist of things she wanted and had to do for the day. This was her technique for calming herself, and she had used it since the first time she had looked down from the top of her friend's apartment building's penthouse balcony. The insane height of the balcony had made her quite nervous. Taking a deep breath, Sif climbed to her feet and, upon realizing that no threat was going to pop up and start shooting from some unseen boarding, she returned her sidearm to it's holster. "Private first class Sif Artii, reporting status green!" She calls out, before moving to see who was up. Her first instincts were to move closer to the ship's second in command, wanting to defend him, as it appeared the captain was no longer within the ship. However, when she came to a proper decision, she moved over to CMO Macintyre. "Do you need assistance with the wounded, ma'am?" She asks her, after a quick salute.