[center][h2]Mars[/h2][/center] Of course S'tann yelled at them for voicing their discomfort with the extreme cold, no surprise there for Mars. He was ready to get into that fortress, but it looked like their enemy had a weather manipulator and that would make things more difficult. No matter Mars was ready for the challenge. Since he had little to no knowledge of Martian abilities aside from the few times he's seen S'tann fly, he wasn't expecting him to shapeshift into a large black dragon. Even though Mars didn't admit it he was slightly hesitant to get on the enormous creature, but he did as he was told since S'tann was a team leader. After climbing aboard Mars had to hold on very tightly to avoid accident slipping off as the dragon took off into the air. Once they were close to the entrance of the research base S'tann explained to them his plan of bursting into the place and Mars smiled when the Martian named him the one to break through the gates. "No sweat boss, it'll be a piece of cake" he said to S'tann with a thumbs up. As they came closer and he prepared to hit the door the weather worsened and they bombarded by a large vortex which blew against them. This was going to make hitting harder so that meant Mars would need to use more of the Alpha Force to keep his speed going in the face of such powerful wind. When S'tann ordered him to jump and break down the door, Mars instantly leaped off of the dragon. He treated it like a snap in football and when the Quarter Back snapped the ball then every moved instantly. Mars' body was now surrounded in bright red energy from the Alpha Zone and using the power he charged through the high winds at the door with superhuman speed. "Knock Knock!" he shouted and pulled back his arm with his right fist clenched. He tensed up his muscles as his right arm glowed brightly from building up energy in that specific part of his body for one massive hit to the base's door. In perfect movement Mars punched the door, hitting the metal and concrete with an insane amount of concussive force and thanks to some blast from Mari the materiel was now weaker against the impact of his hit. The force of the blow made the door shatter into countless pieces and most of what was left of the door crumbled away. This was sure to instantly get the attention of their opponents and Mars liked a good flashy entrance. "Mars is in the house!" [center][h2]Jason[/h2][/center] Jason was taken a bit bit surprise when Nora made a flash of flames appear close to his head and he jumped away in shock. When he realized who it was that caused him Jason gave her an angry glare. It looked like someone wasn't taking this villain thing seriously. As usual the hero community was full of morally ridged people and it's no wonder villains got away with so much death and destruction. "I am getting in character of how to act like a villain, it is important that we understand our enemies and how they think if we hope to prevent more unnecessary death and pain" he said angrily at the girl and gripped his spear tightly. He then heard Aiden order them to all come back to the entrance and bring the hostages with them in plans to make the place a potential death trap. He then explained about his plans to threaten torture against the hostages if their opponents didn't back down. That's also when he heard the door burst apart from a powerful hit and Jason knew that it was now time for action. "Let's go kick some hero ass Squad" he said and prepared himself for the attack.