WIP RP: Superhuman Crusade & Alliance Revolution [center][img]http://s4.postimg.org/97rrrde3x/rsz_gyi0062157160_medium.jpg[/img] [h3]Chosen alias for your character[/h3][/center] [b]Full name[/b] [indent]Harri Van Helle[/indent] [b]Age[/b] [indent]23[/indent] [b]Gender[/b] [indent]Male[/indent] [b]Physical appearance[/b] [indent]Due to his power his size is increased beyond human. Standing at 8 feet tall and weighing 500 pounds makes this soldier hard to miss out on the battlefield. His general appearance is simply put powerful. A presence in any room, not only due to his general size, but also his muscular build, not in a body building sense, but raw strength. His eyes are green, but do change to a hint of blue when he is feeling upset in a sad sense. He prefers to have his dark brown hair short, but his beard he keeps at a good 2 finger (average human finger width applies) length. [/indent] [b]Personality[/b] [indent]Harri has never been the brightest in the bunch and time and again it has shown. He got through the early years of school by pure athletic skill and flunked every other subject. He might not be smart, but that is what friends are for. A more loyal friend is hard to come by. Even as he might be a numbskull, moron, stupid, dumb, etc. he values his friends and realizes eventually when he is being used for his powers and not appreciated for his friendship. At quick judgement all people see is a dimwitted mass of muscles walking around, but sometimes he has been known to show great insight in matters of ethical or moral questions. Most likely due to his simple way thinking, but noone knows for sure if he is hiding a great mind behind the simpleton act or if he just gets lucky from time to time. [/indent] [b]Biography/Background history[/b] [indent] From a young age Harri has shown superhuman abilities which his parents tried to hide as long as they could. Being from a fairly poor,but hard working family it wasn't easy. He was first home schooled, but after realizing that his mother could possibly not teach a mentally handicapped son, they had to put him with the others. His parents did their best to tell the school enough so that Harri could get away from distractions in a normal classroom and get some sort of special treatment. Before his teen years it worked out well enough. The schools funding had been cut so no more special classes and even some of the regular classes had to be put together in order to be able to teach all the students. Harri was in school for 2 days in that new arrangement. A classmate had made remarks about his intelligence and rudely asked if "Mr. Meatbag" would sit on him if he didn't stop. One punch and the classmate had tasted the wall, just before his untimely death. It didn't help that peace had just been restored between the superhumans and regulars when the incident happened, but the media claimed that Harri had been a part of a " rouge faction" that had sprung from S.C.A.R, who were training teens to make an army of super soldiers. Of course none of it was true, but the people needed to hear that. That even the smallest groups were now destroyed from their midst. So at the age of 12 he was taken away from his parents and brought to a mental institution. He spent 7 years in there, but not even he knows for sure what had happened during that time. He was brought to ORB when he came of age, but due to the nature of his power, he was unable to do much in his time there. The Joedthaven had unexpecting results since Harri's power goes hand in hand with his physique, it restrained him completely and he had to be taken care of by the staff. [/indent] [b]Powers[/b] [indent]Supernatural Strength. There is no explanation yet to where his powers come from or how they manifested, but it is for certain that he was born that way. His power is as natural to him as the skin on regular people. Harri is by no means all powerful, but he is able to lift a buss or a heavy truck even. His power has strenghtened everything about him so he is able to contain that power within his body and he cannot accidentally hurt himself by using too much of it. [/indent] [b]Weaknesses[/b] [indent]Harri's power most likely has hindered his intelligence as he is very simple. He is easily distracted and is prone to go off in a blind rage, destroying whatever comes in his way, if he is not kept in focus. A wild card out in the battlefield, to say the least, and potentially a danger for his own team. Harri has been contained in some sort of government facility since the age of 12, so Harri has not been able to exercise in general. This leads to his poor condition (considering him) and results in him tiring out quickly when he uses his powers for great feats..[/indent] [b]Miscellaneous information[/b] [indent]Harri is very afraid of snakes.[/indent]