[@boomlover] [@RhineQueen] "Yes, ma'am. Pleasure to be of-" Instincts cut in as soon as Sif heard the shot, her hand darting for her gun before whipping it up, safety off, pointed straight in the direction of Sergeant Hogan. However, she noted that miss Layette managed to get to him first. This didn't stop her lowering her gun, though. In fact, it made her more protective, her aim always wavering to any point of Derek that wasn't shielded by the Lieutenant-commander. "Sergeant Hogan, you are breaking section eleven part thirty-one of the SNMRG (space navy military regulations agreement) by firing your weapon intentionally or unintentionally at an injured member of the space navy. I therefore order you to put down your weapon," Sif demands, her aim no longer wavering, sighted straight at his chest.