Yay wondered what God saw fit in giving them this fortune. Was it for teaching an important lesson? To forge relations for life? Or the almighty one was so bored, he couldn't think of anything else, and amused itself with their suffering? Nonetheless the bridge was in a terrible state. He felt really sad for the medic as he took in all the details of the situation. One medic to dozens of wounded. His muscles tightened and relaxed as Derek shot the poor soul. At least they won't suffer any longer. But not everyone appreciated this effort. Both the MP and the medic stopped him. What a fucking commktion. This was exactly his problem with soft people. When someone makes a hard decision their will falters, but they themselves are too weak to make sacrifices. Even if that means killing other people. He slowly walked over to them and pressed down the MP's gun. "At ease! No need to shed more blood! Derek is doing the best of his abilities to help the others. If you would have your gut outside of your body, wouldn't you appreciate a bullet to the head? I dont care about military rule now, we should act humane, not civilized. As far as I see things have gone shit, so lower your weapon goddamnit!" His eyes were fierce and he gazed right into the woman's eyes. Which was no small feat with the height difference between them.