[@RhineQueen] Yay couldn't stand being adressed by his name. Not even his friends called him Yay. He hated when people called him like that. Especially arrogant people. He pushed the MP's arm away and turned to the medic. "Doc I understand you want to save them all. But you cannot! You should use the sedative meds on those who can be saved, and let us use bullets on those who cannot be! This is a warship not an ambulance, so I am sure we have plenty more bullets than medical supplies. If we waste all the meds who knows when will we get new ones. If we waste bullets, there is probably one right around the corner!" He was enraged, and he probably sounded like a ferocious beast. But he didnt care. Intimidation is the best way to end a battle before it even starts. "Doctor there is a guy in pain just across the room. Will you let him live in vain just cause you wasted all the sedatives on those who will die anyways? Can't you see the bigger picture?