[center] [h3]Zero[/h3][/center] [b]Full name[/b] [indent]David Jackson[/indent] [b]Age.[/b] [indent]37[/indent] [b]Gender[/b] [indent]Male[/indent] [b]Physical appearance[/b] [indent]Standing 5"8', he's not extremely big or small. He's rather slim, and has little muscles to show. With his brown hair and dark brown eyes, he is often called normal. Though his time in ORB changed how he keeps himself. Clean shaven, and with very short hair. He dresses in the same, almost Spartan, way. With a tight shirt and trousers, allowing maximum maneuverability. Above that, he wears a hoodie, and often with the hood on. But in such a way that you can still see his face clearly, but just not the back of his head. There is a reason for that. It hides the scars from the many surgeries they performed on his head. When he goes on a mission, he wears a black belt with several useful tools like a wire cutter, a short piece of rope and other garage tools. From it also hang 2 sharp knives. So far, he couldn't get his hands on a handgun. But he would like to steal one when he gets the chance. He also wears a small bulletproof chest piece. It doesn't protect much beyond his chest and stomach, but doesn't limit his movement.[/indent] [b]Personality[/b] [indent]Straightforward and sometimes a little rude. David will rarely not say what he thinks, simply to spare another person's feeling. He strongly dislikes people who are not straight to the point about what matters. Never the less, he is a surprisingly caring person, towards mutants. His position towards average humans is somewhat divided. While he thinks that mutants cannot live without humans, the cruelty he sustained within O.R.B. made him somewhat cruel towards them.[/indent] [b]Biography/Background history[/b] [indent]David was born into a very loving but hard working family as the second child. His father got a job in Washington DC. Meaning he only got home quite late, and sometimes not at all. His mother worked-part time at the Town Hall and cared much for her children. At first her second born seemed like a dream child. He never got into any fights, nor got bad grades. While not much of a star player, he played a lot of American Rugby at his high school. Everything indicated that David would be a normal kid. The truth was far from it. When he was 16, he somehow created a singularity in his sleep. Trashing his room. His parents, while loving, had a very conservative opinion about mutants. They weren't completely against the existence of them, as they knew that they couldn't help it. But they had the opinion that mutants should be treated like patience. As if they were ill. Scientists were to examine them and try to neutralize their powers. This made David too afraid to tell them about his powers. In secret he visited SCAR forums. When he turned 18, he ran away from home to join them. At first believing that they were fighting for the freedom of their existence. But he was still a foolish kid. 3 years after he joined, he got caught in a raid. Surrounded, he knew he could only survive by surrendering. His time at ORB was brutal. Scientists were extremely interested in how he could control the mysterious Particle Zero. Various scans showed only a slight increase of brain functions when he used his powers. This resulted in a wide range of brain surgeries.[/indent] [b]Powers[/b] [indent][i]Zero Particle Manipulation[/i] - Modern science has always marveled at the illustrious graviton particle. Said to be the carrier of the weakest, yet most dominant force in the universe. They say that gravity was once part of a super-force. A combination of gravity, electro magnetism, weak- and strong nuclear force. They are wrong and right, to some extent. Gravitons do not exist in the hypothetical model of current scientists. The particle acting like it, is in fact Particle Zero. Which is more of a descendant from the primal Superforce. The only thing known among the scientists of O.R.B. is that something like Particle Zero exists, thanks to David. He overheard them talking about it often. He can apparently manipulate them in such a way that they can be detected. Particle Zero, much like telekinesis, has an almost endless range of application. David's use is there for very limited. He can create temporarily small singularities, negate gravity or even generate kinetic force. All this however, starts near him. Zero Particles converge on him, and in a certain concentration start to glow purplish. From David himself, a projectile is launched (often "thrown"). Upon impact with solid mass, the projectile interacts with it. Be it by collapsing into itself (making the singularity), by creating a negative gravity field (lifting objects) or by exercising force on it (throwing or pushing things).[/indent] [b]Weaknesses[/b] [indent]The ORB scientists knew barely anything of Particle Zero. But somehow they managed to create a small scale shielding device from the effects of the particle. While the device is not standard among ORB security forces, the devices can be called for easily. Meaning that if enemies get a chance to resupply, chances are great that Zero's powers are completely useless. (Unless of course, the enemy suffers from an indirect force from Particle Zero. For example, a gravity negation field will be negated. But if Zero would throw a singularity outside the field, the gravitational vortex forces may still pull the enemy away. Until the enemy is sucked so close to the singularity that his device can "destroy" the singularity.[/indent] [b]Miscellaneous information[/b] [indent]A surprisingly good cook. David likes to prepare food for other people.[/indent]