Earbuds looped loosely around large round ears, speakers bouncing lightly about as they dangled in front of them. Too quietly for any but the wearer to hear, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2vzBdIejVY]music[/url] poured out to distract from the sounds of traffic and people. Clad in a white tanktop and blue jogging shorts, a variety of essentials clipped to her waistband and barefoot, Roxanna lightly jogged her way through Knightdale Rows. Or rather, lightly for her. The sight of the long-haired young teenager running through any given part of the city was not an entirely unusual one, and she had run through here plenty of times before. What was more unusual, however, was this time she was doing so along rooftops. Pushing off with one foot, she caught the raised edge of the apartment complex roof with the other and launched herself across the 'small' gap between buildings. Thick mane of hair trailing out behind her, her back foot swung foward and found purchase on the lip of the next roof. Toes curling around the edge for a little extra grip, she pulled herself into a quick hop down to the roof itself. Slowing to a walk, the concrete of the roof felt delightfully cool against her warm feet. Tugging the water bottle clasped to her waistband free, she popped the cap and took a long, refreshing drink. With a happy sigh, she capped the bottle and returned it to her side. Pushing her hair back and away from her ears, tinged red as heat rolled off of them, she slowly walked over to the far edge of the rooftop. Peering over the side, hands still holding her hair at bay, a briefly puzzled frown graced her buck-toothed mouth. Light brown eyes flicking this way and that, Roxanna calculated her route down from the roof. Window ledges were the same way she had gotten up here in the first place, and window ledges would be the same way she would get down. Nodding to herself, she released her hair and slung herself over the side. Feet braced against the wall, she ignored the corners of the roof digging into her hands as she 'hopped' down to a window. Long toes briefly planted on the ledge, stopping her momentum before pulling away to let her drop down a little more. Fingers stronger than they looked grasped the same ledge, and once more her feet were planted against the bare wall. Mostly a matter of position, Roxanna found herself curiously peering through the window for a moment before dropping down to the next one. The process repeated itself a few more times, though some of the windows had thick curtains drawn across them that prevented any curious peeping. One of the windows, however, was not such smooth sailing. Misjudging where to place her legs after her fingers caught hold of a ledge, her bare feet instead smacked firmly into the top half of the window below. Rather than shatter as it might if she had smaller feet, the impact was wide enough to instead result in a loud crack. Bewildered at the sound and the, admittedly pleasant, feel of cool glass on her feet, Roxanna quickly dropped from the ledge and caught herself on the one below. Making sure to plant her feet properly this time, the brown-haired girl had a 'face-to-face' view of a spiderweb of fractures snaking their way down the length of the glass. Brow knitting together in concern and embarrassment, she quickly 'hopped' the rest of the way until she lightly touched down on solid ground. Giving her fingers and toes a wiggle, she nervously made her way to the sidewalk in front of the building. She had accidentally broken things before, but that was at school or home. Anxiously shifting her weight from one foot to the other and back again, the teenager brought a hand to her mouth and nervously wrapped her teeth around the knuckle of her index finger. She definitely had to own up to the mistake, but she wasn't sure which apartment room it even was or who lived there. That aside, she also couldn't really fix it as she, well, had both no idea how much replacing a window cost nor the money to pay for it regardless. Her parents could, and would, but that consideration hardly made her feel any better.