[center][b][u]Ha! You thought this was the first post. XD Nope, this is a post regarding the format you need to use when posting. If you do not follow these guidelines, I will be a very unhappy GM.[/u][/b][/center] [list] [*]Always put some sort of header at the top of your post. This needs to indicate at least: the time of day and the location of your character. You can also @Mention those who [i]need[/i] to read your post in order to continue theirs. There are [i]a lot[/i] of people in this RP and I do not expect everyone to read every single post. Your teammates and/or characters you are interacting with need to be mentioned in your post. An appropriate example would be this: [/list] [center][color=#4F7942]Fern Flora - Vale Police Department - Monday: Night[/color] @MentionA @MentionB @MentionC[/center] [list] [*]Remember that IC time moves over the course of our week. One day in the IC will pass after 1 week real time. So Sunday-Sunday. Let's assume [u]Sunday-Tuesday is during the Morning IC, Tuesday-Thursday is during the Evening IC, and Thursday-Saturday is Night time IC.[/u] I will make a post every Sunday to help remind everyone when the day has changed. [*]No need to feel rushed, this is just to ensure the rp doesn't die out before we get past intros. If you are doing some sort of plot work that needs longer than a week, work on it and post it at a later time as a flashback. [u]Indicate it is a flashback[/u] and then proceed with your post. [/list] [center][color=#4F7942]Fern Flora - Vale Police Department - One Day Ago[/color][/center] [list] [*]After you finish the flashback, if you wish to continue in the same post, put another header that shows the change in time from flashback to present so that no one is confused. [*]Allow at least 2 people to post between yours. [*]Do not use hiders. Not everyone can open them. [*]Make sure all participants in a collab are clearly stated in the top for writing credit. [*][b][u]This is a Mid-High casual RP and I expect to everyone to write at that standard![/u][/b] [/list] [center]And now, without further do, I announce the official commencement of: [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=RWBY%3A%20The%20Last%20Dawn&name=rwby_style.ttf&size=100&style_color=C2B69D[/img][/center]