[center][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lt0i251KhK1r4ddn3o1_500.gif[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=slategray]Hawley Griffin[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h2][color=slategray]Camp Half Blood ~ The Lake ~ The Party[/color][/h2][/center] "You know, if you pulled that shite in Ireland, you'd probably be lynched." Griffin declared with a 'serious' incline of his head, though his tone and general body language remained casually playful. His attention taken by the white-headed hunter, Griffin cocked a brow as he received the long knife Jericho handed to him. "You know, you never disappoint mate." His tone was almost childishly excited, a wide grin on his features as he examined the package closer, trailing his fingers against the modest packaging, feeling the cool metal underneath the thin layer of wrapping. Even from the minor touch, Griffin could sense something about it...vibrating with infixed power that felt more like an electrical current. Whatever enchantment this knife seemed to possess, it certainly had to be rare. Wordlessly taking Erin's gift next, Griffin nodded once, mentally noting Jericho's specific instructions before deftly hiding the much smaller present in his jacket pocket, his movements dexterous enough that hardly anyone would be able to notice something was in his hand at all. "Aye...You got it." He finally said with a small half-smile before watching the hunter walk off, seeking out Arianna -- boy, he'd have fun there. Artfully spinning the Bowie knife about in his hand, Griffin's smile never left his face, the giddiness of his present once more bubbling to the surface. "You gotta admit, lass, the man's perceptive." Griffin noted with a small wink, now casually holding the dagger in his off-hand until he could put it somewhere safer in his cabin. "Now then, I think you're in need of another drink..." Grif added, haphazardly switching the subject as his gaze fell to the small, yet noticeable puddle of liquid on the ground in-between them, staining the grass. "Doubt it's doing the grass much good, but you never know - Wine-Lord could be ecstatic right now."