[center][color=#990099] [u][b]Yuna - Monday Morning - Beckon Courtyard[/b][/u] [/color][/center] All that Yuna could think about as she was walking though the wide open courtyard was that she couldn't believe it, she was [i]here[/i] she was at [i]Beckon.[/i] She glanced down at her Scroll and noticing the time she thought to herself [color=#990099][i]"Well I am still a bit early."[/i][/color] Reaching into her bag that she had hanging over her left shoulder down her left side she pulled out a neatly coiled pair of purple headphones. She plugged them into her Scroll and selected her playlist with nearly an uncountable number of songs as she sat down on a nearby bench. Yuna took a look around the plaza enjoying the site of all the people, trees, fountains, and flowers. Before leaning back a bit more on the bench she glanced over at the large building at the end of the courtyard, [i]Beacon[/i], The single building that represents her hopes and dreams in the world. With her eyes closed Yuna starts to day dream. She sees sights of her along side three other people that she couldn't make out any details of fighting off hordes of enemies, saving innocent merchants, children asking for their signatures. A smile made its way across her face, her heart was racing. Her stomach growled, Yunas eyes shot wide open hoping no one heard it. [color=#990099][i]"Maybe I shouldn't have ran left without eating breakfast"[/i][/color] she thought to herself as she thought about home and how she was too excited packing the last of her things she needed and wanting to make sure she was not late for her first day.