[h2][color=darkred]Carnelian[/color][/h2] Carnelian listened quietly to the discussion between the gems. She was going to answer Bloodstone's question that was directed at her, but Emerald already answered it. After listening carefully to the discussion, and Aquamarine asked for objections. She stood up and stated "[color=darkred]I have some objections,[/color]" She narrowed her gaze at Bloodstone and she told him, "[color=darkred]You showed Aquamarine and I that you couldn't be trusted last time, why should we trust you now? Also, why do you want this cluster? Is it the same reason you wanted that obnoxious green gem with the bad taste in appearance?[/color]" [h2]Candice Ghoste[/h2] Candice reached the area in the desert where she was able to spot the anomalies her general had mentioned. She managed to hide behind a large rock and pull out one of her weapons. She aimed her gun at the gem of one of the monsters, and with a calm exhale, she fired. She looked through the scope on her weapon to see if she had managed to hit her mark or not, and how effective bullets would be against the gem. It was do or die here. She would either live through this fight and be able to deter the monsters from reaching town, or she would die a painful death. She knew her chances of living through this fight were slim, but she's been in situations just as bad as this, and managed to survive and tell the tale.