Selena Sabella - Beacon Academy Courtyard - Monday Morning [@Hylianhero] Airships were marvelous things, able to glide through the sky like a bird, and not crash into a blazing ball of fire where everyone one on board was ignited, ran around like pretty little lights, and then stopped moving and fell over. It was as if it traded noise for flight, from the sound of the engines, and then, once landed, the lack of sound. Selena was glad for the lack of sound. Never had she heard something so loud, and instantly, she disliked it. Walking, running, or climbing would have been preffered to that. Then the whirring growl of the ramp ran out, and she was free from the loud metal box, so she shot out, like a fox darting away from the hounds, even now unsure where she was going. One man was even more eager to get away from the loud metal box, and so threw himself at it, climbing up and over before it had even fully decended. Selena could understand his desire to be away, but she waited for it to decend entirely. The courtyard was nicer than the big metal box. Trees, and flowers, and birds, marred only by the people standing around them. Still, she had to expect people here, and so needed to get used to them, even if they where evil, theiving people who did nothing but take. Selena's wanderings took her to a bench, with a girl on it, and the jumping man from earlier. The scarf wearing girl - a strange custom of a strange place, Selena thought - made a noise that her small but sharp Faunus ears picked up clearly. It was the noise she had made when her parents did not get home on time for dinner, before she could use the kitchen herself. Such a noise indicated hunger, so without thinking, or speaking, Selena fished a piece of well-wrapped cheese from her back, and thrust it into the woman's direction, an unspoken command to eat. Her own appearance was that of some homeless vagabond who had not seen shower or brush for many months. So, the stand handing of cheese was even more strange, because of her appearance.