[center][img]http://i601.photobucket.com/albums/tt93/Bluewolf675/Roleplay%20Pics/Anime_guy_2_by_Jacob88.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=aba000]"I’m the kind of guy nobody likes, but everyone would rather have on their side. I am okay with that."[/color][/center] [color=aba000]Name:[/color] Orlan Price [color=aba000]Age:[/color] 17 [color=aba000]Gender:[/color] Male [color=aba000]Race:[/color] Human [color=aba000]Appearance:[/color] Standing just shy of six feet tall, Orlan has dark blonde hair and eyes the color of bronze. His deceptively light-looking jacket conceals light metal armor, mostly around his back and shoulders, and his typical boots are similarly reinforced. Aegis covers his left forearm and hand in bronze from elbow to knuckles, though much of this is usually covered by the sleeve of his coat. Under the armor he is slim and wiry, and thus relatively light. Contrary to the picture above, he does not wear glasses. [color=aba000]Weapon Name:[/color] [url=http://i601.photobucket.com/albums/tt93/Bluewolf675/Decorated%20images/WIN_20151212_03_05_23_Pro_zpstrktryhl.jpg]Axios[/url] and Aegis [color=aba000]Weapon Appearance/Function:[/color] [color=aba000]Type:[/color] Melee, (Very Short) Ranged, Transforming, (Aegis) Aura Enabled, (Aegis) Defensive [color=aba000]Weapon Derivation:[/color] Mace, Spear, Shotgun [color=aba000]Holstered/Sheathed Appearance:[/color] Axios remains in its first form, secured to Orlan’s right hip by a loop on his belt. Aegis has no other forms, and is a bronze gauntlet, set with large quartz stone midway along the forearm. [color=aba000]Form 1:[/color] Axios’ first form is that of a mace. A simple metal ball about the size of a fist atop a metal rod with a spike on the other end. Aegis, when active, creates a three foot diameter barrier, centered on and projecting from the quartz. The barrier appears as a simple translucent bronze disk. [color=aba000]Form 2:[/color] Entering its second form, Axios reveals that its handle is actually telescopic, as it extends from 18 inches to three times that length. The spike expands into a proper spearhead, while the metal ball remains as a counterweight. [color=aba000]Form 3:[/color] While in its second form, if one twists the center section of the haft Axios’ head will split down the center to reveal a barrel beneath it. Various Dust-laden cartridges can be loaded into a slot lower down on the head section, which is the innermost when the weapon is collapsed. Pushing the weapon together as though trying to collapse the weapon will cause it to fire a very wide, very short, shotgun-style blast instead if the barrel is revealed. The barrel is stowed by twisting the center section in the opposite direction. [color=aba000]Personality:[/color] At first Orlan appears to be rather taciturn and blunt, remaining quiet most of the time. When he does speak, it is in a rather direct manner. Once people get past this, they tend to find that he simply rather socially inept, but a good friend nonetheless. He is fiercely loyal and always honest and respectful to his friends and allies, expecting similar integrity from those who would stand at his side. [color=aba000]History:[/color] Born and raised in Atlas, Orlan desired nothing more than to escape the pressures of that society. His father was a military officer of no mean rank, and this imposed strict order on his early life. Orlan as always expected to join the military, as his older brother had, and rise high above his peers. Shortly after he turned twelve, however, this all took a severe turn when his father was struck down in a Grimm attack. Now in the care of his previously distant mother, Orlan had much more freedom. Mira proved to quite different from her late husband once he was gone. With infinite choices, Orlan decided he still wished to see the world, but under his own terms rather than the strict guidance of the military. He would become a Huntsman, and not in Atlas, but in Vale, where he would be free from political pressure. With his new goal in mind and his mother’s assistance, he created Axios and Aegis to aid him in his coming trials and began to train with them, awaiting the day he could truly put them to use. [color=aba000]Emblem:[/color] A large bronze shield in the Spartan style emblazoned with a sunburst, with two spears crossed behind it. [color=aba000]Color:[/color] Golden Bronze [color=aba000]Combat Style:[/color] By necessity, Orlan is primarily a melee fighter, holding his ground in the thick of combat. He prefers to use Axios as a spear in one hand from behind Aegis, picking out weak points or forcing opponents to focus on him. Though the shield is far more resilient than Orlan himself, he cannot hide behind it forever for fear of completely draining his aura. When unable to effectively use Aegis, he relies more on the cannon hidden within Axios to drive enemies back and give him some breathing room. [color=aba000]Strengths and Weaknesses:[/color] +Though not particularly agile, Orlan is quite fast. He can’t do a double-backflip, but he can beat most people in a foot race and strike first more often than not. +Practice makes perfect, and Orlan has spent a long time with his spear and shield. Not enough to be perfect, but that just drives him to train more. -Orlan is not very strong, and can easily be overpowered in a contest of main strength without the help of a construct. -Rapid and consistent attacks will quickly wear down Aegis and thus weaken Orlan. -Lacking any true ranged combat ability, Orlan must take cover behind his shield if presented with a sniper or other distance fighter. [color=aba000]Semblance:[/color] Aura Projection: Channeling his aura, Orlan can create basic physical shapes appear as though from nowhere. Distance and size make this considerably more strenuous as they increase. Certain stones can act as a conduit for this ability, with different stones playing up different strengths. For example, Aegis’ main function is to create a shield, focusing Orlan’s semblance through the polished quartz in a defensive manner. Using a focus significantly reduces the Aura required to maintain a construct, with higher quality (though not necessarily more valuable) foci having a greater effect. This allows Aegis to produce a reliable, practical shield rather than allowing the enemy a cheap and easy way to wear down Orlan’s aura. These constructs appear similar to stained glass, generally a light metallic bronze. The color is only altered if Orlan is implementing his ability with dust, or is it through a suitable dust crystal.