[center][color=FFD700][h2]Razor WhiteFang - Beacon Courtyard - Monday Morning[/h2][/color] [/center] Razor, a young white fox Faunus with candy apple red eyes, short white hair, and a chipped right fang walked through the courtyard. From his demeanor he seemed pissed and wanted nothing to do with anyone around him. His right arm had a tattoo of a King Taijitu staring from his shoulder and wrapping around his arm with the mouth open about to devour his hand and his left shoulder had a tattoo of a beowolf head. He wore blue t-shirt with a design of a cross exploding from a skull as chips of bone fly from the open wound. Black jeans, black and white Nike sneakers, and around his neck was a necklace with his emblem on it. As he walked his right ear moved with every sound around him while his left ear didn’t move at all. “It’s way too early for this crap,” Razor sighed before he accidentally bumped into another student. However, instead of apologizing he turned to him and yelled, “Watch where you’re going idiot.” The student was taken aback by his outburst and slowly walked away from him. Razor rolled his eyes and continued to walk through the courtyard. That[i]’s right, stay as far away from me as possible. If I can alienate myself and keep people away, then I won’t have to worry when my Semblance activates[/i]. Razor thought before he spotted a small patch of trees and headed towards them. “Just have to keep away from people, by any means necessary,” Razor said as he sat down against the base of the tree. The trip here was uneventful, but when he got into the city. It seemed some higher power wanted him to cross paths with others. He had to help a lost child find his parents and elderly women’s back broke and he helped her. All the while he feared his Semblance would activate. The thought of his Semblance activating was always on his mind and it even affected his sleep. Every night he’d wake up from a nightmare and all day he could see the nightmare when he closed his eyes. “I hope you’re right father. I hope this place can help me with my Semblance and this primal rage inside. Otherwise I’ll become nothing more than a Grimm,” Razor said to himself. Grimm attack anyone around them without thought or reason.[i] Just like me with my Semblance, but how can I explain it to these professors[/i]? Razor thought. Around others he would act like a jerk to push people away, but he felt bad to lash out at others that didn’t deserve it. However, his greatest fear was his Semblance and being around people when it activates.