GENERAL INFORMATION Flag: [img][/img] Country name: The Seleq Empire Age: 598 years Demonym: Seleqian Capital(s): Sawl Outsiders view: Most outsiders would regard Seleq as an Empire who will not stand for insults. An empire who will defend its home down to the last man, woman, or child. As well as an Empire who wishes to be left to its island History: The Seleq empire was formed when the inhabitants of the Seleq island decided to band together to drive out a common foe that had sought to take their land from them. Quickly the drove the people back and quickly the established their rule of the island. INHABITANTS Race: Naga- A race of humanoid see serpents who do not have legs but fully functioning arms. GEOGRAPHY Land Claim:Light blue, sorry for sloppiness I had to do it on my phone [img][/img] ECONOMY Resources: Cocoa, Iron, Cotton, Sugar Cane, Fish Exporting: Cocoa, Fish, Sugar Cane Importing: Coal, Furs, Processed Steel Currency: Drachma Agriculture and farming: Wheat, Cattle, Fish RELIGION SPECIFIC TO NATION IF ANY Name: Thiocra Important deity/deities: Fiorn- Father of the Serpents Delen- Mother of the Sea Semi-important deities: Helk- God of War Slek- Goddess of the Sun Sop- Goddess of Freedom Creation myth: The Naga feel that they were created by the means that Fiorn had married Delen and created the gods. This family was meant to serve as the ideals of the ones who would serve to create the Naga and their mentality History: The Naga believe that this all started back before the planet or Stars had taken shape and thusly has been around before them. The gods had come when Fiorn and Delen crafted the earth and birthed the the stars together. Then the Naga were crafted to serve as the true people of the planet. Purpose: To bring an understanding to where the Naga came from and inspire their ideals Afterlives: No, they believe in reincarnation Sacrifices?: No Morals: Freedom, Service, Honor, and Defense SOCIAL Head of state: Slisk Harbinger Form of government: Constitutional Monarchy Education: They are taught to first to hunt their own prey, then they choose their own path in life. Slavery: No Morals: Power, Honor, Freedom, Kindness MILITARY Weaponry: Tridents, Baker Rifles, Cannons, Dragoons, Gatling Gun, Crossbows Numbers: 50,000 Infantry: Storm Bringers Field artillery: Thunder Casters Cavalry: 0 Medics/clerics: Healers; Combat Medica Special forces: Dragoon Squadron Navy: Iron Clads Transport Ships War Ships WAR Currently at war with: N/A Reason behind conflict: N/A Previous wars?: War of Creation Previous civil wars?: N/A LIFE EXPECTANCY Average life expectancy: 54 years