[hider=The Last of the Soaring Dragons][center] [img]http://pre14.deviantart.net/fc3d/th/pre/i/2011/179/d/a/liu_kang_by_molee-d3k62b6.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ao9r18t.png[/img] Tak Chun - Soaring Dragon Clan - 25 - Human Appearance: Tak stands at a rather short 5 foot 8 and has a muscular physique. His back is covered in a large tattoo of a dragon, a sign of his now defunct clan. His hair is a dark black and matches to an extent with his dark brown eyes. His skin is rather pale, contrasting with the dark colour of his hair. He wears the religious robes and beads of his former monastery, along with bracers for wrist protection. Personality: Tak had an extremely sheltered upbringing, and as a result it would be expected for him to be the stoic, serious monk who never has any fun and is always talking about religion. However, this is far from the case. Tak is rather fun loving and will often taunt and make a fool of his enemies unless the fight is extremely serious. When it comes to religion, Tak is eager to convert people to Chaisum, especially his friends. Magic: Tak only knows one form of magic. It is based around 'chi' as he calls it and utilizes fire more than anything else. He uses the flame to empower his attacks and throw flame at his enemies, along with doing various parlour tricks like creating a dragon from the fire. Equipment: [list] [*]One satchel [*]Bible of Chaisum [*]Various foods [*]Canteen of water [/list] Background: Tak was born to a prostitute mother and a soldier father. Knowing that she could not care for, Tak on her own, his mother took him to a monastery, surrounded by snow and ice. The monastery gained its fame not only for its skilled fighters, but for the fact that they managed to farm and grow in the icy wastes. In fact, the monastery itself was extremely different from its surroundings. It was a lush green and filled with various flowers and crops. Tak had an extremely traditional upbringing. His life was filled with religion, training and meditation. Every day he would wake up at the crack of dawn to farm, and then move on to his combat training and finally onto his religious studies. It was monotonous for sure, but he didn't know any life other than it. Of course, everything changed when the blight came to rise though. His monastery was fairly well protected from the blight, and didn't actually know anything about it until about 2 weeks after it had reached epidemic level. They quickly began preparing for the worst, but it seems that nothing could prepare them for what was to come. They managed to hold off the first few waves, but eventually more and more kept coming and the monastery was soon overran. As more and more men fell to the blight, the head of the monastery realized that if no one escaped then his school of teaching would forever be lost to the blight. He sent, Tak west, to save his own skin and later rebuild the monastery. Tak did as he was told and began travelling all around Fallion. He has seen a great many things he would never even have thought of seeing during his time at the monastery, and while he is glad to have seen them, he is also becoming increasingly pressured under the threat of the blight and the oath he swore to rebuild the monastery. [/center][/hider]