[b]Renji Yamada - Serenity's Edge Monestary - Two Days Ago[/b] Clash, clang, boom. The sounds of fighting reverberated through the garden. Two men battling it out in the center of a large makeshift arena. One man was young, tall, and defending blow for blow against an older shorter man. The movements were quick as lightning and flowed like water in a stream. It would seem like the elder had the upper hand, but one would be wrong. The young man soon retaliated with a flurry of wicked blows. The elder dropped to his knees and did something quite particular. He smiled. "Renji, my son, you make me proud. All those years of believing in you have finally paid off. As a father I am sad to see you go, but as your headmaster I couldn't be anymore excited." He said as he stood. Renji helped him up then pulled his father in for a hug. "I will miss you too father. I promise to write and send gifts of my travels." Said the young man. "I will hold you to it. I also want you to show those city dwellers us country folk are not as weak as they think we are. Remind them that we were founded by one of their adored Huntsman, but most importantly you take care of yourself. I love you son." Admitted Renji's father. The young man chuckled relinquishing the embrace then said, "I will father. I love you too." The two of them then bow at each other then at the eastern horizon. A show of honor to each other and to the gods for a good fight. Before stepping off the arena they give each other one last hug. They walked together in meaningful silence to the entrance of the monestary where a Jeep was waiting for Renji. The pair stopped at the large wooden gateway. Bowing once again to each other they looked to each other with tears in their eyes. Renji nodded and his father smiled giving him a thumbs up. With that Renji made his way to the Jeep and and likewise to the pretigious Beacon Academy. _____ [b]Renji Yamada - Beacon Courtyard - Monday Morning[/b] Renji thankfully stepped off the airship happy to feel firm ground under his wooden sandles once again. He had never ridden one before and it just made his fear of heights much worse. After a long moment bent over gathering his center of gravity back he stood strait, adjusted the large ebony case on his back, straitened his straw sunhat, and made his way with the crowd into the courtyard proper. They all passed a fountain then split off into their own directions. Looking down at the scroll he had been given by the school representative at the airport his face scrunched up in confusion. He had never seen let alone used any piece of technology like this. Scratching at his temple he walked off blindly while examining the thing. This was a mistake on his part. He soon bumped into another student who quickly began berating him and telling him to watch where he was going. Renji was quickly bowing and and apologizing sincerely. This was mistake number two. Apartently the female was a city girl through and through and had no idea of outside customs. She then began tearing into him for being condecending and rude. That then was her mistake. "Ma'am I assure you I mean no offense. As for you I believe you should study up on culture this year. Not everyone is out to get you. As the great Atlam said, 'Those who hold themselves higher than others fear their own stature.'" He said in a calm yet commanding voice. The girl and her friends just stared at him like he had spoke in tongues and just walked away mumbling to themselves about how weird he was. Sighing deeply Renji noticed a nearby empty bench. Taking it he unloaded his case and laid it beside him. One to let bygones be bygones he returned his attention to the digital device in his hand. Pushing the center button as he had been instructed to do by a fellow passenger he jumped a bit startled by it sliding open. The main screen popped up and offered many options. In Renji's mind it was a bit daunting at first, but there was better time to learn than the present. So with a deep breath he started pushing buttons. Screen after screen scrolled by delighting him more and more with each passing one. Soon though he got lost. Unable to return to the main screen he panicked. Pushing buttons at random hoping to find his way. That was his third mistake. Suddenly loud noises were coming from the phone. Some familiar, but most strange and very loud. He has happened to find the ringtone page. Then all of a sudden he dropped the device and gripped at his ears. The tone was a fog horn. A very sensitive frenquency for his damaged ears. "Oh gods please someone make it stop!"