[b][color=DC143C]Dawn Agresta - Beacon Courtyard, Monday Morning[/color][/b] Some would be forgiven for thinking that Dawn was bored with the situation at hand as she exited the airship onto the campus of Beacon. With her current hairstyle, as well as the way she carried herself and the lack of a smile at the moment, it was easy to assume that she was being dismissive of this all, even when this should have been incredibly exciting. After all, this was Beacon Academy, one of the premier schools on Remnant itself. People would kill to get here, though there were no recent incidents of that sort of thing. But Dawn imagined that it had to have happened at least once. And really, she was excited to be here. It was just, perhaps, the fact that she had only just made it here which made her so lackluster in energy compared to everyone else, so it seemed. Still, she would survive, and she was sure that she would be more motivated the closer they got to the beginning of school itself. She moved a bit away from the ship, a hand resting on her hip as she viewed the courtyard. There were all sorts of people here, running around and examining the place, meeting new people, all the things that one would expect from new arrivals at a school such as this. Conspicuously though there weren't many upperclassmen that she could see. Perhaps they were being deliberately kept away, to give the new students time to bond? She could only assume. [color=DC143C]"Well, we're here now,"[/color] she said to herself, breaking into a slight smile at that. Yes, she was here. And she would make the best of it. That was the least she could do when it came to impressing her older brother and living up to his expectations. With how things were these days, she would need to impress him. At least, in her mind anyway. Then her eyes widened slightly as an idea occurred to her. [color=DC143C]Oh, that's good.[/color] She had just had a thought for the novel she had been working on, one which had been caught in something of a void due to writers block for some time. But maybe with this new thought, she could break it. So she quickly hurried over to an archway, stepping into the shadow present as she pulled out a notebook and pen. Sure, she could write on her scroll, but there was just something about the physical material that she could appreciate, and it kept her from getting distracted. Intent, she quickly jotted down the idea, possible connections, and all the things she would need to exploit it further, before. So for the moment she focused on that. Once she was done, then she could get to socializing.