[center][color=yellow]Asvoria Laurent - Beacon Academy Courtyard - Monday Morning[/color][/center] [center][@Akayaofthemoon][/center] The subtle noises of the vehicle's engine was ousted by the noise of people around her. Talking, talking, jibber jabber. In truth, Asvoria was ready to get off the ship. It was all she could do to sit down and rest her head against the wall lest she get sick standing up and hoping for the best. She really just wanted to rest her eyes for a bit to make sure she had energy for the rest of the day. . . Then the shuttle landed. Asvoria didn't figure that all out herself. She had a little help from the few random feet that shuffled quickly past (and onto) her feet. [color=yellow]"Watch it, watch it!"[/color] She exclaimed at people that weren't even there anymore. She was just happy to be done with that annoying ride. . . She wouldn't want to be called "Vomit Girl" or anything embarrassing like that on her first day. Still, with the ship quickly emptying, Asvoria found that it would be best to make like a banana and split. On the outside. . . Well, it was just amazing. Ignoring her height altogether, the school was humongous! Like, so very big. With it being the first day and all. . . [color=yellow]"Is there a directory in this place?"[/color] She asked no one in particular. It felt like many questions asked before, but she couldn't help but wonder at the time. Plenty of people were around but most seemed to have friends they came with or something or perhaps they tried talking on the ship. Asvoria sure didn't try that. Didn't want to feel sick or nothing. She was feeling much better now so she decided to try to make some friends before the start of school. Turning, she found someone with (in her opinion) excessively long hair. She didn't quite seem to have talked to anyone yet and didn't quite look like she wanted to but if she could talk to this person first then perhaps she could say she tried the most difficult challenge!!! Or something. . . [color=yellow]"Hey you, girl with the long black hair!"[/color] She exclaimed recieving a few confused looks from stragglers that walked by innocently. Noticing this, Asvoria moved in closer and spoke in a bit softer and normal volumed voice. [color=yellow]"Ok, maybe that was a bit loud. I just wanted someone to talk to and you looked open."[/color] She looked in the air for a second thinking that would be a little impolite to end like that, [color=yellow]"If that's fine with you that is."[/color]