The group was rounded out by the almost late arrivals of a flea riddled Aaenshi man with an assortment of axes and hatchets on his person, mounted atop an equally shaggy wolf. In addition to him was a scar covered, female goyle, near black instead of the standard light grey. They were silent, though if they were here, they were clearly invited. The short human, the leader, [color=0054a6][i][b]"Good, I see we're all here now. We can do names and pleasantries later, our mission is simple in concept, near impossible in execution. We head westward, sneaking through Screamer territory. Should we manage to do this without being killed or enslaved, we still need to locate this supposed city, if it is indeed real. Upon locating it, we need to infiltrate it, and learn as much about it as possible. Who are its leaders? How does its military function? Is magic popping up there as well? Are they a threat to the Ebonfort? This mission will be long, will be quite dangerous, but very, very profitable if we return alive and successful. I've had experience with Screamers near to Scream Watch, and I understand you,"[/b][/i][/color] nodding at Raffey, [color=0054a6][i][b]"Have made this journey before, albeit from the south. So we'll go carefully, listen to your word on the matter. The mission comes first and foremost, so those of you that are here for the bloodlust,"[/b][/i][/color] he looked at the Aaenshi on this point, [color=0054a6][i][b]"You need to keep that in check. We fight when needed, but avoiding it altogether is better."[/b][/i][/color] There was a loud thundering of hoofbeats as an entire company of knights in their armor roared by and out of Scream Watch. All had eyes on their ragtag party as they passed, some smiling and wishing good luck, others sneering and rolling their eyes. [b][i][color=0054a6]"And that is our distraction. They are going to attack the nearest known camps, to distract the scouts and sentries near here on our departure. After that, we're on own."[/color][/i][/b] Once the company was out of sight, [color=0054a6][i][b]"Let's go. We're going to stick to the edges of Chartric Forest, so we have cover if needed. The Screamers sometimes camp in their, but quite rarely, mainly because they are a prime target for Silent Hunters."[/b][/i][/color] With that, the leader kicked his horse forward, taking a northwesterly path. Raffey wondered if the Chartric Forest was really the best option, he'd followed the coast on his way in. But maybe he just had a fondness for the sands, reminding him of home. But there were more risks of being on the edges of both the plains and the forest. It was a killing field, a hunting ground, as the best predators from both worlds often crossed the border briefly for prey. And that thought, that one alone, excited the hunter. He and the others would bait out some of the deadliest creatures, with little interruption and intervention from the Screamers. Perfect. He saw the woman, the cute half cat, and noticed she had no mount, and clearly the knights had no intention of providing her one, a detail the leader seemed to have overlooked. The goyle could fly with the group, and the Aaenshi, that just darted out of the village with a hoot had the wolf. Raffey offered a hand down at the woman, [color=39b54a][i][b]"Wan' a lif'? Lots of groun' to be runnin' over an' we dun need ya slowin' us down. Dibney here can carreh de both of us easeh."[/b][/i][/color] He took this time to look her over, drinking in her feminine features. Perhaps a bit thin and slender, but that wasn't a bad thing to him. He found himself wondering if she'd hate her tail being pulled... Probably would, most cats did. [b][i][color=39b54a]"Da name's Raffey, by da way." [/color][/i][/b]