[img]http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/3990/kqdg.jpg[/img] [b]A Town Called Justice[/b] [b]GM's:[/b] - X - Izzy - Spot Open [b]The Short of It…[/b] Several years ago on the old site, myself and a group of dedicated rp members embarked on a fantastic journey to build our own universe. The result was A Town Called Justice, an epic crime drama with fantastic stories and incredible character depth. Now, I’m looking to bring it back. Justice is a neo noir crime thriller, set in the fictional city of Justice, California. It is an ensemble tale, usually with a large cast of characters and it is about life in a town that has come to be known as “America’s Most Evil City”. Taking inspiration from everything from crime movies, graphic novels and even comics; the purpose of Justice is to build a world through deep inter-connecting storylines and character studies. You would play any type of character you want, criminal, cop or civilian as they try to survive life in a city plagued with crime and urban decay. There is an overarching story to every season but in Justice, its the individual stories of your characters and they way they interconnect with other characters, no matter how small, that the true purpose of justice shines. Gritty, real and dark, if you’re coming to Justice, prepare yourself because you might just not make it out alive. [hider=The Story So Far] [b]The Story So Far:[/b] It began with one man. Francis McKenna was born in a small town in Ireland and shortly after his third birthday, he and his family migrated to the USA eventually settling in New Jersey. Over the years, the McKenna family managed to earn a respectable wealth through honest work and hard labour. Young Francis however, was greedy and ambitious. In a fit of rage after being denied his inheritance, Frank killed his father and stole his fortune. On the run, Francis adopted the guise of a traveller and eventually found himself in a strange land, California. It was the middle of the gold rush and the intelligent young Irishman saw an opportunity. Using his ill-gotten gains, Frank eventually wound up financially backing the entire town and in essence bought it for less than a dollar. From that day forward, the town now called Justice began its exponential growth. At first the money came from the mines and to surplus his miners, Frank brought in foreign prostitutes. When the gold dried up, real estate became the big money and soon Justice expanded into a large city. At the turn of the century, the town became the go to place for bootleggers. This insurgence of new blood brought in new revenues and new enemies for McKenna. The Italians, the Jewish, the Latino’s, the list only got longer but also with them came new revenues for making money. Over the span of several bloody decades, Justice evolved into a gambling and entertainment mecca but it had also became the apex for American crime. The 80’s saw Justice become the breeding ground for yuppie greed and brought with it the new breed of clever criminal. After the economic downturn of the nineties, Justice was hit with urban decay and much of the town fell to recession. Now in the 21st century, the town has been almost split in two. One side for the rich and another for the poor. The McKenna family still holds much power over the city but there are always those trying to steal it. The murder of Alison McKenna by a rival gang resulted in a prolonged gang war that lasted seven years. McKenna’s, Sammartino’s. Fortuna’s. DiAngelo’s and Jagielski’s, all powerful crime families that would fall in this war. Many criminals, cops and civilians found themselves caught up in the bloodshed, some survived, most died or were corrupted. It’s been two years since the fighting ended and silently, a new power has been building in the streets of Justice’s underworld; the Chinese Triad. A sadistic and histrionic band of disciplined criminals with only one goal in mind; complete control of Justice. As their cruelty on the streets begins to escalate, the town called Justice finds itself on the brink of war once again. And what is a war without soldiers? A Town Called Justice: Season 6 Punishment Waltz [/hider] [u][b]Current Season Details: Season 6 (Punishment Waltz)[/b][/u] Its December of 2015 and Justice is blanketed by snow and ice. Beneath the cold veil of mist and holiday cheer, a war is brewing and the streets of white will soon run red with blood. The Chinese Triad, known on the streets as the Ravenglass Boys have been the power in Justice for just over a year. As their domination of the dark streets grows, a threat to their stranglehold is on the horizon; an old gang from Justice's sordid past is about to return; the Fortuna's. A bloody fight is about to happen once more in America's favourite battleground. In Justice, there are good guys ans there are bad guys, sometimes it takes more than a badge to tell the difference... [b]Rules:[/b] 1. We're in the casual section, so no one-liners. I am aware life can affect writing ability and times so I am quite happy with a single paragraph as long as there is plenty of detail and it adds to the story, no posts for the sake of posting. 2. Respect each other and be adults. If you have any disagreements, please take them to PM as I do not want any conflict between players (conflict between characters is fine) if I see any stupidness or pettiness during this rp I will terminate your position immediately. If there is a problem between players the GM's will help solve it so that we can do what we came to do - have fun and write something riveting. 4. This RP although filled with violence, drug use and romance is still rated 15, if anything sexual is happening and you insist on playing it, take it to pm and fade to black here before anything serious happens. We’re are an all ages board. 5. If you don't post within a week we'll check in with you and if we don't get a response within a further week we'll remove your character IC in a manner most disturbing and highly entertaining. 6. We run a cast system on Justice. You are allowed two main characters with two to three recurring characters. 7. Have a good time with each other and let’s create something magic. [b]CS:[/b] Appearance: (RL pic please) Full Name: Nickname: (If Applicable) Age: Place of Birth: Family: (Only immediate family needed here) Occupation: (Legitimate and Illegal if applicable) Profile: (Three paragraphs minimum which describes personality and history) Cast Status: (Main or recurring character) Extra: (Anything else you want to add)