[h3] Nikolas Animus- Beacon Courtyard- Monday Morning [/h3] [@Bigg Slamm] Instantly his attention is grabbed by the loud noise and yelling of what looked to Nik as a monk.[color=8882be]"Lovely well at least I'll get some social interaction."[/color] Standing up Nik saunters over to the monk, bending over he picks up the guys scroll and turns it off, handing back to the guy. [color=8882be]"Dude, your not from around here are you? Well I am, the names Nikolas Animus, but you can call me Nik."[/color] Nik sits next to the guy and stretches his back across the bench putting his arms behind his back in an extremely relaxed position,[color=8882be]"So what's your name? I mean it's only polite to exchange names, and I've already told you mine."[/color] Looking over to the monk Nik gives a bright smile. A few thoughts went through Nik's head one more prevalent then the others,[color=8882be][i]Look at me now you White Fang bastards, I'm doing the good that you used to.[/i][/color] Nik turned back to watch the crowd face gone cold and serious.[color=8882be][i]I wonder whats this guys story. He looks like someone from a monastery, which makes me wonder, aren't most monks are supposed to be peaceful.[/i][/color]