[b][-[i]Accessing Republic Data Logs...[/i]-] [-[i]Accessing Character Manifest...[/i]-] [-[i]Accessing 286th Assault Legion...[/i]-] [-[i]Accessing CC-7501 Commander Bronze...[/i]-][/b] [h2] [color=aba000][i][b]CC-7501 "Commander Bronze"[/b][/i][/color] [/h2] [color=aba000][b]Bio[/b][/color]: One of many clones of the late Jango Fett, CC-7501, more commonly known as Bronze, was a commanding officer in the Clone Army of the Grand Army of the Republic. About 10 years after his creation, he and the rest of the Clone Army available were sent to the Planet Geonosis to aid the Jedi Knights of the Galactic Republic. He led an AT-TE Walker Assault on one of the Command Posts of the new CIS Alliance. By the time the battle had ended, It was totaled that Bronze's unit had eliminated a good portion of the Confederate Hailfire Droid in the battle, earning his unit the name of Hailfire Squad. Also on Geonosis, during the battle, he became aquainted with Jedi Knight Kelen Rolin, as he aided Bronze's unit in their mission. After the battle, however, Bronze's Unit, now dubbed the 286th Assault Legion, was placed under the command of Rolin's former master, Amon Rictor. For about two years, they fought beside Rictor on countless fronts across the galaxy. After the two years, however, Jedi matters drew Rictor from the battlefield, and he was replaced by none other than Kelen Rolin, the Jedi he'd fought side by side with on Geonosis all those years ago. After this, Rolin took the force of the 286th on a Campaign in the Solus System. On Solus Niner their unit was ambushed on a routine patrol, leaving dozens injured and more dead. While Rolin was examining a dead trooper, he appeared to find something intruiging, and headed off into his barracks. Several hours later, he emerged and quickly headed to the Comms Room. Having received orders to remain on alert, Bronze ignored this and returned to his duties. One month later, the 286th Assault Legion was returned to Kamino for "Immediate Health Inspection." Unbeknownst to him, it was really to reprogram an order in a chip implanted in his brain, PROTOCOL 66. Afterwards he was given a clean bill of health, and he and the 286th returned to the front. A few months afterward, he received a direct order from Coruscant. Palpatine had decided to test the loyalty of his troopers with PROTOCOL 66, and told Bronze to execute this order. Bronze did as the chip's programming told him to, and he told Rolin that Palpatine had just ordered Order 66 to be Executed, having no idea what it was. Immediately he abandoned his campaigns and returned the entire 286th to Coruscant. Along with the Coruscant Guard and Jedi Order, Palpatine was confronted during a senate hearing. The evidence was portrayed, and Bronze learned what the order would have made him do. He was appalled by Palpatine now, and had to resist the urge to pop one in his head. As Jedi and Clones approached Palpatine to arrest him, he attacked with dual Red Lightsabers, revealing himself to be Darth Sidious. After slaughtering dozens of Jedi and Clones, he escaped Coruscant as a CIS Invasion commenced. The battle that day was won, but the war would drag on for several years. During a mission in this time, Bronze had a close encounter with General Grevious, the Droid General of the CIS. This resulted in the amputation of his left arm. It was soon replaced with a cybernetic replacement, which gave him added strength. After returning to Solus 4 after it was recaptured by CIS forces a few months before, Rolin and the 286th were caught in an orbital blockade surrounding the planet. They held off the droids long enough for reinforcements to arrive, but he and the 286th had been recalled to Coruscant by Masters Yoda and Windu. They left the campaign on Solus 4 to the 224th "Mudjumpers". After returning to Coruscant, he and Rolin were placed as the head of a task force with orders to hunt down General Grevious, Count Dooku, and Darth Sidious. Along with Rolin was a new Padawan Learner, Teela Kamara, whom Bronze would try to get to know as they worked together more and more. [u][b][-TIMELINE INCOMPLETE-][/b][/u] [color=aba000][b]Personality[/b][/color]: Bronze, although a direct clone of Jango Fett, has a very interesting personality. He can quickly assess any situation and find a plan that will work to win the day, or at least escape alive. He's big on weapons, and cares deeply for his troopers under his command. He isn't afraid of death, and will go head on if it means victory. [color=aba000][b]Gear[/b][/color]: Bronze is outfitted with Clone Tank Gunner armor, painted a dark gold color, along with a kama of the same color with holsters. In these holsters he generally keeps two Silenced DC-17 Pistols, and always has a thermal detonator or two on him. He has a DC-15a Rifle on his back, and always has a Z-6 Rotary Cannon which he's nicknamed "The Spin Cycle" after an incident with the gun misfiring while he was cleaning it. [color=aba000][b]Other[/b][/color]: Bronze is the lead Clone Officer of the 286th Assault Legion. Although he leads the whole legion, he has a select squad of the best of the best, known as Hailfire Squad.