[right][h3][color=98FB98]CASEY HARPER[/color][/H3][/RIGHT] Before he could even begin his warding, Casey was interrupted by another member of the Suicide Squad’s hostage team. Honestly Casey couldn’t say he recognised the guy who had spoken to him, although his Hawaiian complexion and his funky looking staff made him assume that the guy was some kind of Aquaman rip-off. Needless to say, Casey wasn’t initially impressed. What could this guy do? Talk to fish? Throw a spear? Pathetic. To make matters worse, the goon was just casually walking around with his soda. “Nah, it’ll just be anything not in this room.” Casey casually replied as he began to rub his hands together, preparing to cast the enchantment. He cast his spell, quickly and efficiently, muttering the ancient fey incantation under his breath as he waved his things out in front of him. For a second, a faint hum resonated around the room, originating for his fingertips. Then, silence. Well other than the buffoons that Casey reluctantly had to refer to as his teammates. That was when his love for the Hawaiian surfer began, who proceeded to turn towards the hostages and inform the “shitheads” what he’d do if any of them made a sound. The comment amused Casey, who had assumed that everyone in the school was aiming to be the world’s next big hero. By the sound of it, this guy had other plans, which Casey highly admired. Obviously he’d have to sort out his whole look. Maybe get something more threatening that a highly decorated tree branch. Surfer Dude’s comments were soon cut off by Nora. Oh, Casey certainly knew exactly who Nora was. The girl was essentially a supernatural tracking system. The girl could know exactly where he was at any given time, and if Casey’s assumptions were correct, the girl was devil spawn. It was fairly obvious, especially with the hellfire she was always spewing. It honestly scared him sometimes. Especially since she could be a really killjoy sometimes, which often resulted in her ceasing Casey’s shenanigans if the girl didn’t deem them to be “heroic”. Like now it would seem, as Nora began to criticize the Hawaiian’s threatening language towards the hostages, informing him to behave more seriously. Jeez, who put the stick up her ass? Casey began to smirk as the surfer began to argue with the walking GPS, only for his smile to fade once his communicator burst into life to the sound of Aiden’s voice. Casey nodded understandably as he spoke, forgetting for a second that Aiden wasn’t actually with them. Nevertheless, Casey had to agree that the plan was a solid one! Turning this place into one huge death-trap was genius. The faerie was honestly disappointed that he hadn’t thought of it himself. This was just what Anarky would have done. What more, Julien had turned on the intercom. Casey giggled and clapped his hands in glee as the son of Luthor bellowed through the mic, his voice ringing with the same terror and villainy as his old man had done frequently before. It was honestly just perfect! Maybe being a supervillain was the right choice after all? Before Casey could even think about moving the prisoners back to where they had entered like Aiden had instructed, a short bang could be heard from down the corridor, signalling that the A.S.S. Squad had arrived. What followed was a shout from everyone’s least favourite knucklehead, Mars. Casey cursed loudly. As much as the guy was a moron, he was still powerful. Certainly more powerful than everyone in the room. However that didn’t seem to stop Mr. Hawaii, who seemed to be up to face his death. Before Casey had a chance to inform him of how stupid it would be for him to charge the humanised ape with his spear, it would seem that Mars had triggered Julien’s booby trap. The sound of the explosions echoed throughout the research base. The front of the research centre lurched in slightly as the pillars on the lower levels collapsed, causing dust and debris to go everywhere. Even Casey felt the blast from where he was stood in the centre of the building, stumbling forward slightly. “Was…was certainly not expecting that!” He exclaimed loudly, taking in a deep breath. Once he had briefly recovered, the fairy boy pranced over to the door, peering down the corridor. Rubble and debris lay everywhere. Unfortunately the blast hadn’t entirely sealed off the corridor, with small gaps just large enough for a couple of people to clamber through remaining clear. Either way, they had some time on their hands before any of them were getting through. Enough time perhaps, to move the hostages. On that thought, Casey turned to his fellow team members. “You heard Aiden, we need to get these slabs of meat back to where we came in!” He shouted, attempting put on a commanding tone of voice for his teammates. At once he moved forward, grabbing the arms of two of the hostages and pulling them up off of the floor where they had been perched. They moved pretty much effortlessly, despite the sounds of panic and terror they seemed to emit. Pushing them forward, Casey helped the others round up the group of hostages, shepherding them towards the door. “Nora, you and me with take up the rear.” Casey instructed, giving her a crafty. “I’ll try and leave a trail of pixie dust behind us, but if that doesn’t do shit, blast them. Especially S’tann!”