[b]Renji Yamada - Beacon Courtyard- Monday Morning[/b] [@snarfulblast] Renji was rocking in his seat yammering trying to drone out the noise when suddenly that's all he heard. He opened his eyes to see a wolf faunus standing there with his scroll in hand turned off. It was hard to make out what the wolf had said due to Renji's ears recovering but he got the gist from reading the boy's lips. Renji was about to extend a hand and introduce himself in response, but the wolf now known as Nik invited himself to sit. Quickly Renji move his weapon's case to the other side of him on the ground before Nik could sit on it. [i]"Are all city dwellers like this? I sure hope not."[/i] Renji thought to himself as Nik asked him his name so bluntly. [i]"Well at least he is being cheery about it."[/i] He realized and smiled back. "Renji, Renji Yamada. I'm not from around here no. I'm from Minstrel. Serenity's Edge Monestary. You probably haven't heard of it. No one I've met today has. Sad really. The view at sun rise is beautiful." He said looking down at his scroll. Realizing he was forgetting something he looked at Nik. "Thank you for fixing my scroll. Like you said I'm not from around here. We don't have much technology in the monestary. We are pretty much self sufficient." He explained before tucking the device away. "Where abouts are you from? You said you from around here. Are you a student?" He asked with a curious smile. Renji wondered what it was like growing up in a city. He wondered what it was like to be faunus. He had heard stories of racism and prejudice. He wondered what Nik thought of this Whitefang extremist group he had heard about. While in the airport there was a man on the TV talking about them. Renji couldn't believe how much chaos there was in the world. He wasn't surprised that Grimm attacks were on the rise. Well, that was why he was here. To bring peace.