[@agentmanatee] [@Katakon] [@Dawkins] [@KiltmanBagz] [@OneWayOut] [@datadogie] [@boomlover] [center][h2][color=f26522]Rust Bairne - The Bairne Estate - Saturday Afternoon[/color][/h2][/center] Rust barked out a laugh, pinning his older brother to the floor with his heel, standing in a rather over-cheesed victory pose with his fists planted on his hips and his chin held high. [color=f26522]"Boom! You should know better, Ricky- You're no good up close! Stick back with that oversized pea shooter of yours, if you ever want to beat m-"[/color] He cut off with a grunt as a much smaller person barreled into his stomach head first, sending Rust flying comically across the living room to slam into the wall, leaving a rather person-shaped array of cracks- His younger sister standing where he had been with a broad grin, cracking her knuckles. She was tiny, sure, but she'd gotten one hell of a semblance- She was just about strong enough to lift half the family in the air with one hand. Like a tiny, walking tank. [color=9e0039]"Nyeeehhhh! You shouldn't pick on Ricky, Rust~. You can barely run two miles without falling over for a nap, you lazy lug."[/color] As Layla gloated over her own little victory, Ricky stumbled to his feet with a grimace, cracking his neck. Rust -had- given him a thrashing, but it was nothing new. The siblings fought almost constantly whenever they were all at home. It drove their parents insane- Especially during the summer months. Rust had left from Beacon almost the day vacation started, and he wasn't due back until the day it ended. They had put about a dozen different new holes in the walls, and at one point even fallen through the second story floor. The Bairne house was, needless to say, usually a mess. [color=00a99d]"Jeeze, you two- Mom and dad will kick our butts over that new hole!"[/color] For a few moments, the three shared a laugh- They were about to start more ruckus, when Rust's scroll buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out with a blink- It was Fern, saying to meet the team at the docks Monday morning. He sighed, suddenly feeling quite exhausted. Layla jumped up and down behind him, trying to read the message over his shoulder. [color=9e0039]"What is it? Is it your giiiiiirl frieeeeeend~?"[/color] He snorted, catching her by the collar of her shirt mid-jump and setting throwing her back towards Ricky. Strong as she was, she was still a lightweight. [color=f26522]"Gods no- And I pray she never is, Fern scares the crap out of me. It's business. FRST has a mission, I guess."[/color] With a huff, Rust flopped down onto the couch, tucking his scroll back into his pocket and letting his eyes drift shut. [color=f26522]"You two go on ahead without me- I need a nap."[/color] And, to the sounds of his siblings beginning a whole new brawl over something about the last cookie, he drifted off. Break was over, he supposed... [center][h2][color=f26522]Rust Bairne - The Vale Docks - Monday Morning[/color][/h2][/center] Rust shuffled across the docks, looking like a zombie. It was too early for this- He wanted to be back in bed. Hell, he wouldn't mind being back home for another few days, to get some extra sleep, or upgrade Sear and Scorch a little. But, work was work- So shamble on he did, gradually dragging himself closer to the blaze of pink hair that he recognized as Paris's head. He vaguely recalled they would be working with PYCH on this, so he figured it was best to wait by them. As he neared them, he gave a lazy, half-dead wave of his hand, quite simply falling face-first to the ground next to Paris. He even whipped his favorite pillow out of Hammer-space, resting his head on it with a groan. [color=f26522]"Sup, Paris- Hey, Heather. You two have a nice break?"[/color] He flashed Heather a lazy grin. [color=f26522]"I'd try and hug you, fuzzball, but I need a nap."[/color] Coming from anybody else it might have sounded racist- But it was well known that Rust had a weakness for fuzzy and adorable things and the nearly irresistible urge to cuddle such things, which included Faunus- Much to many of their chagrin.