[i]Receiver:[/i] Name: Tatebayashi Keiko Age: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: [url=http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=13716245]"Who said girls are not supposed to act like boys?" She is about 5'3" (163cm). (Japanese site)[/url] Personality: Keiko, unlike her twin, is a bright tomboy, although she still acknowledges herself as a woman. She has acknowledged that communication is an important aspect of her life, being friendly to those who doesn't intentionally cause major harm to someone or something. However, she can be impulsive at times, causing her to make wrong decisions at times. Skills: Keiko is somewhat good at playing baseball, having learned it out of sheer willingness to do so. She also learned primitive first aid, in order to ease herself while recovering from less minor injuries. She is also adept at acting, more than her twin, Eri. Unlike her twin, however, she usually uses it just to have fun with people, not to create another persona. Brief Backstory: Keiko was born as a twin, with the other one being Eri. She was raised by parents happy to help her just like her twin, especially their father who actively taught her acting to both of the twins. While Eri wasn't particularly interested in anything, Keiko was interested in baseball, making her actually play the sports after school. However, when she was in a junior high school, the parents ended up divorcing after few days of heated arguments about cheating, with the mother taking Eri and the father taking Keiko. The event still remains in both of the Twins' heart, However, unlike Eri, Keiko moved to another school, where most treated the newcomer warmly, requiring her to actually talk with others and not remain quiet, so she remained open, unlike her twin. Tuner: Sorry, no comments. [i]Tuner[/i]: Name: Shinden Kakeru Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: [url=http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=53832145]"So I'm here, what's it?" He is about 5'6" (168cm). (Japanese site)[/url] Personality: Kakeru is, simply put, a sensitive person. While he is a very friendly and confident person if nobody or nothing disrupts his peace, he would be swung around by his emotions if something happens. His reaction to the emotion can be positive or negative depending on the events that led to him feeling the emotion. Type: Ability Ability: Water Emission - Kakeru can emit a stream of pure water from his fingers. The maximum size and the maximum pressure of the water depend on the Synch Rate. Skills: Kakeru is skilled at cooking, frequently trying to add something to an existing recipe in an attempt to make it delicious. He also has an experience operating laser guns, and he can sprint fast when required. Brief Backstory: Kakeru was born in a less rural part of Saitama Prefecture, close to both Tokyo and Ibaraki. He was raised by a family who wanted him to become a confident person loving various sports, from running to laser guns. His parents were mostly successful in this regards, with the boy picking up cooking in addition to various sports the parents taught him. The times the boy spent with his parents were wonderful to him. However, the boy had to realize his fate when he became a third-grader of a junior high school, being told he had to leave his parents' home to Ibaraki since he was born as a tuner. He initially ended up destabilizing himself hearing that, taking some days to stabilize himself back and accept the fate. Receiver: Nothing to write here