[center] Team Midnight [img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120827011704/camphalfbloodroleplay/images/f/f8/Anime_Guy_Brown_Hair.jpg[/img] [color=800000]][i]"And this also," said Marlow suddenly, "has been one of the dark places of the earth." - Joseph Conrad, [/i] Heart of Darkness [i]"Darkness is just a lack of light. Doesn't have to be bad. Most people make it that way, though."[/i][/color][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Martin Chestnut [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] 6'1" and built like a brick, Martin doesn't look terribly slim or quick. His auburn hair frames a face more often smiling than not--but the slight dark tinge to his brown eyes seems to betray an incredibly focused and determined mind. His average sized nose is twisted slightly if one looks closely, as if it was broken and set at one point in time. His breadth and physical size belie the deftness of his movements, his body giving no impression of the carefully measured and gentle movements he uses, the power of his body always restrained. His chin looks like it's accustomed to taking hits, often defiantly set in the face of combat. Martin's ordinary outfit is as pictured, a dark blue t-shirt under a maroon jacket, the Archer's Talons in glove form on his hands. [b]Weapon Name:[/b] Collectively, the Archer's Talons. Martin calls them the Bruise Brothers. [b]Weapon Appearance/Function:[/b] [u]Type:[/u] Extremely close range, transformative weapon. [u]Weapon Derivation:[/u] Gauntlets. [u]Holstered/Sheathed Appearance:[/u] Normally, the Talons look like a pair of metal, fingerless gloves that Martin almost constantly wears. Alternatively, Martin can sheath them in their second form across his back. [u]Form 1:[/u] In their main combat form, the Talons beef up, becoming more heavily plated and extending plates over Martin's fingers to protect them. Spikes spout out of the knuckles, and upon impact any Dust cartridge that is in the gauntlets explodes outward. [u]Form 2:[/u] The gauntlets meld together, becoming a rather odd and segmented looking longsword. The blade can be enhanced with Dust, but Martin seldom uses this form. [u]Form 3:[/u] The Talons' only ranged form, two bow arms spring out of the sides of the left gauntlet, a metallic cord unwinding into the form of a crossbow string between them. This form can fire "arrows" formed from Dust; however, its firing rate is fairly low. An accurate, powerful weapon, but limited by speed. [b]Personality:[/b] Martin may joke or act goofy at times, but below it all is a feeling of pure focus. His eyes never seem to zone out, their brown gaze always peering at something with some purpose--if he's entirely disinterested in what's happening, they're generally closed so he can focus on his own thoughts. On the battlefield, trying to talk to him about anything except the current flow of the mission will result in (at best) a monosyllabic reply, his relatively one-track mind devoting all of its resources to the combat at hand and the safety of his team. He takes on all such tasks with the same single minded approach--it's not worth doing if it's not worth doing well. He does not take kindly to manipulation, nor to anyone attempting to distract him for their own purposes, nor to anyone threatening the safety of those he cares about, even slightly. His competitive edge can somewhat get in the way of these attributes. [b]History:[/b] Martin has lived a life of driven ambition. From his earliest memories he has been pushed to be better, to get tougher, to perfect himself and apply his entire being to whatever pursuit he undertakes. Drive was his defining aspect through his time at Signal, as he took up boxing classes outside of the academy, working out when he had nothing else to fill his time. Consequently, his social life is somewhat lacking—not due to lack of skill, but due to the fact that he didn’t have enough time for friends during younger years. Several friends drew him out of his shell during his final year at Signal, finally getting him involved in social activities. Whether that complete and focused drive will reassert itself or he becomes more social during his time at Beacon will depend on the actions of his team and how much he cares for them… [b]Emblem:[/b] [img]http://images.vector-images.com/clipart/xl/151/fist_tma2.jpg[/img] Stopgap until I can make my own. [b]Other:[/b] [u]Color:[/u] Maroon. Color Code: 800000 [u]Combat Style:[/u] Martin's a fast, strong combatant who relies more on blocks than dodging. His gauntlets are used ordinarily to knock an opponent's blows away and prepare to retaliate, and his talents are more focused on taking hits than on completely avoiding them. His strength, however, is by far his greatest asset. [u]Strengths and Weaknesses:[/u] Martin is very strong and durable, and his Semblance aids with his physical ability. Add that to his iron will and you've got a soldier able to power through pain to see his mission to its end. Since his fighting style relies on him being able to tough it out, however, he can easily go too far and get himself seriously injured, where a more agile fighter would escape nearly unscathed. Mentally speaking, his temper is always pushing at the boundaries he has set for it. [u]Semblance:[/u] Tenacious Will Tenacious Will is Martin's indomitable mind given physical prowess. So long as he maintains complete and utter mental focus, Martin's world seems to slow, his actions become faster, and he hits harder and can take more. A few limitations: physical pain, while possible to ignore while he's in the state, will prevent him from entering it. Harm to his teammates can distract him from the absolute drive he needs to keep to maintain his semblance. Harm them enough, however, and his fury will overcome his pain and distraction to drive him into his Semblance state. Any injuries received while under the influence of Tenacious Will have the same effects as always once he falls out of his state, so maintaining Aura while using his Semblance is key.