[@Aintitfun1997] Justine put the lid to the dumpster down as to not expose this sight to anyone else that may come walking by and started off again in the direction they had been going. As she saw the door of her hideout in the distance, she suddenly felt tired. What time was it? She pulled out her phone from the smallest pocket of her backpack and checked the time. It was only 9:05. Not even noon and all this had happened to her. She was completely shocked that she still had signal but her battery was getting low. As far as she knew, the electricity was still on but she didn't know for how much longer. She decided that she would plug her phone in first thing when they got back to the building. She glanced sideways at Krystyn without moving her head to see what her facial expressions looked like. She wanted to learn a little more about this girl but she wasn't sure what to ask or what she was feeling at the moment. Justine knew as well as anyone that there was a time and place for everything, especially when asking personal questions. She looked away and realized that they had arrived back at the door of the store. She pulled the heavy door open slowly and went in first motioning for Krystyn to stay put with her hand. She walked through the store once with her machete raised looking and listening for any noises or breathing. She didn't hear anything so she yelled to Krystyn to come in. [i][color=green] "Stand that table up sideways against the door would you? That's my only way of protection in this place."[/color][/i] Justine asked as soon as Krystyn entered. She reached into her backpack and found her phone charger and began to hunt for a power outlet to plug her phone into. After about three trips around the store and having to move a fridge out of the way, she found one. 56% was not gonna cut it overnight. After it got to 100 she would put on battery saving mode and only text if it was absolutely necessary. She went back out into the main area of the store and sat on the floor in front of the counter trying to think about what they should do next.