Well, I suppose I'll try to defend the action a bit, just to not get steamrolled by judges. [@DJAtomika][@Dynamo Frokane][@Skallagrim] I'd normally think so too, concerning the efficiency of the attack. The primary reason I did that was in relation to the following feats, which gave me the impression that a certain level of practicality could be sacrificed in this match. Keep in mind that Zande's specialty is melee augmented with supernatural steroids. [quote=@Doc Doctor] [i]Zande pushed off the wall and landed neatly beside Tanya, on her left. As the dreadlocked horror then rushed upon her, from betwixt its front teeth would a spray of blood jet out. It intended to spit in her eyes as she looked. A technique!? A plan!? The cannibal may have been insane, but insanity and stupidity were two different things. After launching the distraction, Zande would swing his left axe up over his head in preparation for a strike, at the same time leaping forwards and thrusting his right foot towards Tanya's abdomen, actually trying to overshoot the mark so that if she tried to escape backwards it would still land. A charging front kick with enough weight behind it to drive most humanoids into the ground. Though her skin written defences might absorb the shock of the kick, what came next would not be so easy to endure. Should the blow land, then instead of drawing back his foot Zande would bear his weight forwards. The brutal talons of his boot could easily gouge through the intestinal wall and catch on the top of the pelvis, dragging a victim to their knees and leaving them too traumatised to block the overwhelmingly powerful swing of his readied axe.[/i] [/quote] [quote=@EmptyArmor] The killer had gone berserk and rapidly closed the distance, its insane instincts piloting its body more immediately than its mind. All the same, it wouldn't make life so easy as to attack without a backup plan. As it landed next to Tanya with a weighty thunk, it attempted the gambit of blinding her with its tar-like spit before throwing everything behind its weight in a vicious kick. Fortunately, Tanya's pact with her Snake hadn't dulled her reflexes at all, or it would have been a rather poor weapon of last resort. She pivoted towards the monster as it landed, and threw up her left hand in reflex as the inky jet of blood spurted from between its shark-like jaws. The feathers wrapped around her left forearm burned and disappated at the blast of foul liquid, but there were yet enough about her back to propel her forward. All Tanya needed to do to avoid the incoming kick was duck down low, the ironshod boot swinging like a doorbuster overhead. [/quote] Empty is a great fighter and someone I love to roleplay with, but out of my own stubborn competitiveness I am inclined to say that I imagined that throwing an axe in mid-air would be no less improbable than ducking below a fighter's gut kick, much less a superhuman one. Just my logic though. For reference... [img] https://cdn1.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/DH1sviwVcIeXkqXmvt6dbEv9GCI=/0x0:2194x1463/2400x1600/cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/47527581/usa-today-8880499.0.jpg[/img]