Jacque's brows shot up in surprise at the answer he had received. The man reached up and gently removed his sunglasses, revealing weary looking pair of dark grey eyes as he went to close and tuck the glasses into his coat. "[color=004b80]An inn with gratis stay, how interesting. Must be receiving government funding or donations then. Either that or the owner of this inn is a lot richer than expected.[/color]" He mused aloud before mulling over the idea of offering his assistance every now and then. Working sort of defeated the purpose of a vacation, however the idea of lounging around and doing absolutely nothing was something Jacque couldn't quite see himself doing. His mouth turned upwards into a soft grin, "[color=004b80]I suppose I can help out every now and then with the odd job or two around the place since i'm being provided free boarding.[/color]".