[color=red][H2][Center]Harri Van Helle[/center][/H2] [center][H3] New York - Brooklyn [/h3][/center][/color] The street was full of people, everyone watching the tv screens in the electronics store. Harri had to see for himself what it was about. He drew his cap down a little and raised the neck of his shirt, to hide and blend in with the crowd. [i]"...the Government has determined a way to figure out if someone has an ability or not. Accordingly they’ve passed a bill named the Bennet Act, obviously in reference to Claire Bennet herself who made her people public. This bill states there will be a mandatory testing to determine if someone has an ability or not, and it will be impleme..."[/i] Harri didn't need to know more and it felt like everyone was watching him, so he started walking away. In truth noone really even noticed him. It's a big city and brooklyn has it's fair share of the population, so why would they? He looks just like everyone else, easily lost in a crowd, apart from being a size bigger than the average guy on the street, or woman for that matter. Just paranoia. The usual. The address was not in the most pleasant part of the neighbourhood, exactly the opposite. Noone with good intentions or, work that could withstand the light of day, would even consider entering this part of town. There was no other choice. He needed the money. He couldn't go back to Tom, not after what happened last time. 08:15 still fifteen minutes until he was supposed to show up. Better early than late like his mother used to say. The door into the bar made a loud noise and it was obvious from the decoration that this place had not been properly serviced in years. Mostly regulars and sorrowful pasts occupied the bar. No loud noises at all, a heavy atmosphere around the joint. Noone looked at anyone nor did anyone really talk to anyone. Something was obviously not right and Harri considered leaving for a short moment, but closed the door after him, as he stepped inside. "You! Fresh meat. Welcome to Joe's, what's your poison of preferance?" A man well into his 30's spoke with a raised voice. He looked Irish and the feeling of the bar was definately Irish too. Harri figured it must be Joe himself. He started walking towards the bar and sat down on the only stool at the bar. "Don't mind them. They keep to themselves and oddly enough, they never see or hear anything. Keep that in mind while you are." Joe said as Harri had turned around to look at the occupants of the bar. As cliche' as it was, Joe was wiping the bar with a rag. " Three things you must remember. I don't know, I don't know him and I don't remember. You catch my drift?" Joe spoke a lot and kept on speaking even though Harri never answered his initial question. What made things weirder was as if Joe already knew him, but they had never met. "I'll be sure to remember that. I'll have whatever you recommend." Harri took a toothpick out of the bar and put it in his mouth and quickly removed it, and pointed it at Joe. " Also tell Greene I came, I know he is in the back. Don't worry, he is expecting me. Which I think you already know." Harri put the toothpick back in his mouth, turned to his right, facing away from the entrance and started watching the TV. Joe poured him a glass of some cheap scotch, grunted and put the glass in front of Harri, before shoving the rag on the bar and walking away. The sports channel was on, but the picture kept going up and down, with white noise like blur channeling on the tv at the same. [i]What a shit hole[/i] Harri thought to himself and took a drink of scotch. Definately not good scotch. About 15 minutes passed before Joe came out again, " Sorry he is busy.", Joe said and took the rag from the bar and put it on his shoulder. " How are you liking your drink Harri?" He chuckled before turning his attention to the tv screen. " It's piss. That's what it is." Harri stood up, threw five bucks on the bar, next to his empty drink. [i]Fucking, Greene. He always pulls this shit.[/i] He thought to himself as he walked to the entrance to the back room which Greene had turned into his private office. Greene probably had gotten the idea from some movie and loved it. Now he pretends to be this great mafia boss type deal, unlucky for him, Harri has known him for years already. "READY OR NOT, I'M COMING IN DANNY!" Harri smashed the door into pieces with a punch. The room was quite dark, it took a while for Harris eyes to get used to it. Soon enough a beautiful marble desk caught Harri's attention. Behind it was Danny Greene in the flesh. " Nice desk man." Harri took a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lit one up and started smoking, as he walked towards the desk. "Why did you have to do that? It was unlocked for christ sake Harri! Wait a minute... Are you a wizard Harri?" Danny bursted out in laughter and waved his hand to signal Harri to come in. " So how can I help you today?" Danny took two glasses from a drawer and poured whiskey in them, he put the other in front of Harri. " It's not the piss Joe serves, this doesn't actually taste that bad." Harri drank from the offered glass and said. " You always do this. Can't this be easy for once. You were expecting me to come. Not two hours ago we spoke on the phone. What's the matter with you man?" Harri was grinning a little as he spoke. Danny was a good friend, although he might have a few quirks. "Calm down. There is no harm done here. Well a little to my door, but I thought of replacing it with one made out of marble. To match my desk you see." Danny took a drink from his glass and leaned back on his chair. "Are you nuts? You can't have a marble door. It would look ridiculous in that setting." Harri drank the whole glass in one go."But I am not here to talk decorations." He also leaned back on his chair, his right foot on top of his left leg." I'll just get straight to it." Before he could finish, he was interrupted by Danny. "Did you see the news? You, my friend, are screwed. I can't use you on anything anymore, you know I can't. I don't want those government motherfuckers to get their hands on you. So how about I just front you some cash, for old times sake, and we pretend this discussion never took place. What do you say? Old times sake." Harri took a long drag from his cigarette before putting it out in the fancy marble ashtray on the desk.[i]Man, what's up with the marble.[/i] he thought before standing up. " I'm not a charity case Danny! I work for my money. I earn it. Legally or not. Just one last time and I promise to be careful." " Sorry. I can't do that right now. What is most important now is that you keep a low profile. Look man." It was a hard situation for Danny too. After all they had been friends since first day of high school. Not only that, but he always felt like he owed Harri for protecting him throughout the years. First it was high school bullies, then the gangs in Boston and once Harri even took the rap for something he didn't know had happened. "You know I'll take care of you. How about I just take you off the streets and we'll, you know. Make an office right next to mine if you want." Harri sighed and gave up. "Whatever. But no office. This one is ridiculous enough in here. No need to make this place even more suspect." Harri rubbed his face in frustration. He knew Danny was right, after all he had gotten them this far. He sighed in frustration and leaned forward. " Shit is really hitting the fan isn't it? Damn Bennet. What was she thinking? I mean, there is no way that could end well, she must have known that. Now the rest of us have to suffer. What a bitch" his tone was obviously angry and frustrated. "Don't worry so much Harri. We'll get through this." Danny opened another drawer and took out a piece of paper and wrote down an address. "Now go and get settled in this new apartment. I'll have one of my guys pick you up in the afternoon and if you need anything, I mean anything, just call me and it will be done." He put it on the table and Harri picked it up. Danny stood up and was going to walk Harri to the door, which granted was in dozens of pieces now. Harri walked with him to the door or what remained of it and tapped the piece of paper against his left hand as they walked together. Just before Harri was about to leave Danny interrupted him. "Thanks Harri. Thank you for letting me do this. It's the least I can do." "Stop with that. I know you had done the same for me so no need to keep bringing it up." Harri knew deep inside that Danny wouldn't have gone to jail for him, but he didn't blame him for that. Danny was of a small build and sometimes he has a bigger mouth than what he can handle. With that Harri flipped Joe off as he walked out. Joe just grunted, spit on the table and continued to "clean it" with his rag.