[center][color=00a651][h1]Connor MacQuarrie[/h1][/color][/center] At some point, somehow, Connor had lost his shirt and acquired the hat component of one of the bear costumes.He had also somehow done that while not missing any of the game. He was down to three fingers; after the first two from Nate and Hal, he lost a third to Maie for his stint stealing street signs one summer. Another went down to Emilie’s impossibly naive question; he’d actually stopped and stared at her for a second. Never in a million years would Connor have guessed that someone with Emilie’s looks would still be a virgin this late into high school. “Gucci,” he said affirmingly, as a he took a drink. Laney’s question was pretty loaded. “LAHNAY. Harsh bruh, so harsh,” he called out, putting down his fifth finger and finishing his drink. He’d barely finished refilling his cup before Aspen’s question had him drinking again. Connor noticed that Alyssa Boudreau across the circle was not drinking for that one, and she was pointedly avoiding making eye contact. Well, that was her perogative, but it it did make him chuckle. In a shower stall after swim practice counted as public right? The new kid obviously couldn’t handle his liquor, and proceeded to make a total ass of himself. From the look of it, he’d be hugging toilets soon, but that fell squarely into the category ‘not mah prawblem’. It [i]was[/i] a good question though, and gave Connor a chance to stop drinking for a second. He hadn’t properly met the new kid, but the red hair and weird contacts really bugged him. The kid thought he was so edgy, or cool, but really he looked like a shitty cosplay. Everything about him rubbed Connor the wrong way. “Arrested? 2Edgy4me!” he hollered out, eliciting some drunken laughter around the circle. Brooke’s question dropped a wave of fingers all over the room, Connor’s included. There was much giggling involved too, and probably a lot of wild mass guessing. Connor didn’t pay any attention to it, enough people had put down a finger there was no point trying to figure out the connections. And then Spencer barged into the circle and downed a whole bottle without even looking at it. A rhythmic chant of “chug, chug, chug!” built up around him. Connor looked at Spencer, bemused for a moment, then shrugged, clapped his hands, put down a finger, and took a drink. With that, he was down to two fingers. Connor was a veteran drinker, and while many people here would be kissing porcelain soon, he had the distinction of being over a year puke free. He was quiet for a moment, then started touching his own face with open palms. Hmmmm, somewhere a little past ‘smashed’, but far off from ‘wasted’ or ‘gone’. He poured his next drink with only a splash of vodka, enough to sustain his current level of drunk without escalating any further, for the moment. After all, the night was still young.