[center][img]http://i68.tinypic.com/1x545.jpg[/img] [youtube]https://youtu.be/yoMG7z1RmRU[/youtube] [url=http://i65.tinypic.com/5n55zk.jpg]-Click to see what he's working on-[/url] [color=935d9f]"Ol' Ozpin threw a party at a school in Vale, The girl teams were there and began to wail, The boys were jumpin' and began to swing But not before I asked Fern to sway dat thang' LET'S ROCK, EVERYBODY, LET'S ROCK! Fern said "NO!" and put me on block But we dancing 'CUZ BEACON ROCKS!"[/color][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Valder Viola [b]Age:[/b] 17 yrs [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] Valder is short-statured, standing at a mere 5'3" with neck-length raven hair. He has a pale complexion and violet-colored irises. His youthful traits make him appear effeminate at times. Though he owns a pair of glasses, he only wears them when synthesizing dust for firing rounds. [b]Weapon Name:[/b] [i]Twin Luna[/i] [b]Weapon Appearance/Function:[/b] [img]http://i66.tinypic.com/2hrfonb.jpg[/img] A duo of knives with curved handles, built with single-shot firing capabilties. [b]Type:[/b] Close-quarters-combat, Dust-round compatible, Short Blade/Single-Shot Hybrid [b]Weapon Derivation:[/b] Combat Knife, Single-shot Firearm. [b]Holstered/Sheathed Appearance:[/b] The weapons have no special forms. [b]Personality:[/b] Valder is an engaging eccentric, whose socially awkward tendencies make him surprisingly charismatic. He has a tactless sense of humor, usually being the only one to laugh at his own jokes as deadpan as he delivers them. He is also a major tease, deliberately making himself just out of reach from those who would indulge in his boyish allure. He has a cruel side to him, however. In the heat of battle, his sadistic treatment of enemies has been known to frighten even those who partner with him. [b]History:[/b] The Violas are a wealthy and prestigious family of Huntsmen and Huntresses, a lineage that gained prominence in the years of the Great War. Being part of the youngest generation, Valder was raised to continue this proud bloodline. His childhood was ruined, however, when a rival criminal family kidnapped the boy, ostensibly for ransom. Valder spent many nights locked in a dark room, beaten and berated for hours at a time. At first he came to the cold realization that his family would never bow and buy his freedom. Being young then, having no hope for rescue was devastating. He decided to escape one day, and with the same cruelty he was treated with, managed to incapacitate the guard who monitored him. Freedom was so close until his escape was interrupted by a raid that took out anyone who stood in the way. He found his parents leading the team, who then quickly rushed him from the premises. It wasn't until being lifted off by airship that he saw hordes of Grimm stampeding to the same location. Since then he trained tirelessly, favoring styles that were considered cruel but efficient. The ordeal, unfortunately, traumatized him, affecting even his behavior and semblance. [b]Emblem:[/b][img]http://i66.tinypic.com/akbsbn.jpg[/img] [b]Color:[/b] [color=935d9f]This one[/color] [b]Combat Style:[/b] Rushdown with brute force and a little psyhcological warfare. Valder likes to take advantage of any opening and deliver an overwhelmingly destructive offense. His size gives him an edge in battle that lets him weave in and out of enemy lines, causing confusion while dealing damage. His methods of attacks are crude, which include grappling enemies to impale them (if not to break a limb), throwing punches into softer parts of the anatomy, and stomping on downed enemies to confirm a neutralized threat. [b]Strengths and Weaknesses:[/b] With his semblance combined with a natural affinity for a certain type Dust, Valder becomes a force to be reckoned with . He is surprisingly quick and can easily wreak havoc. He has often emerged victorious in battles where he is sorely underestimated. His dark past cursed him with a lust for violence, which is why he fights fearlessly. His short stature, however, forces him to compensate by engaging the enemy in close proximity, putting himself at risk. While capable of taking on multiple enemies at once, he relies on efficient well placed strikes to decrease the time spent on just one target. He can break through heavy defenses if need be, but it would slow him down. [b]Semblance:[/b] A family-inherited ability of aura manipulation allows Valder to augment his combat prowess. Marked by his glowing violet eyes, this dramatically improves his performance and durability to inhuman levels. He can hit harder, move faster, and sustain more damage. His attacks take on a signature violet flash on the moment of impact. He can close the distance from a target within a blink of an eye. This "blessing," as he calls it, is not restricted to him. Any ally within sight, especially a team, can also receive a slight boost in their combat capabilities, as well as motivation that inspires them to fight longer.