[quote=@Keyguyperson] Alright everyone, mellow yer' mammaries. I've got opinions regarding Duck too, and I also have opinions regarding the situation. Personally I think that Duck is being overly hostile, and letting grudges control his actions. Whoop-de-doo.[b] Now can we just move what is quickly becoming a heated argument over into a PM, and leave the OOC for focusing on the RP itself?[/b] It's these kinds of arguments that always plague these kinds of roleplays, and I tend to peg them with killing it off. So please, let's just calm down in here. I'll even make PM for y'all to argue in, but arguing over who holds a grudge or not isn't related to the RP. Please, can we not screw this one up? [/quote]Reposting for emphasis. I made the point about not continuing such an argument to prevent this from clogging up the OOC. Especially when I apparently don't even participate in it. If somebody is dissatisfied with the way things are and think I would spinelessly turn away from this argument with a sense of faux victory... just hit me up in PMs and I tend to you. I refuse to make further comments in this thread for the sake of avoiding to ruin this game, nothing else. For the record I have no beef against Duck and wish the feelings would be mutual. Regardless, I said what I did say. No changing it and I wish if Duck does consider them a bit. Anyways, if we are at steampunk I quickl suggest a change of topic. What kind of steampunk techs everyone came up with? It's sharing time! [quote=@Alfhedil]I read over your app from top to bottom, and I'll say exactly what it is that bothers Duck, and it's something I noticed yet passed over. The military section reads a bit strong, with a pretty tight focus on showing how advanced the nation is militarily. Most of it I just apathied past, as it doesn't really pose a concern to me, and I know that sheer technological power doesn't equate to military victory in any sense. My only real concern is that you seem to have set yourself up as completely self-reliant when it comes to the fantasy-resource. I too have a technocracy type of nation, but leave them to be more reliant on the outside world for their resources. What's the fun in having wonderous technologies and such if you have absolutely no need to trade for the resources that power them and build relations with foreign countries? Furthermore, I think it sets a dangerous precedent for one person to say how they have "large reserves" of "x", as in the past I have seen multiple apps following such NS' which state mostly the same. Regardless of how amazing this resource is, it is finite(At least I think it is...) and so we can't all have large mines of it. In truth, I would prefer that no player nation have a large source of the resource, and instead leave it to NPC nations so as to see about fostering a greater narrative. Beyond that, I don't see this RP as a game to be won, and I sincerely hope that no one else is here under that assumption. [/quote]Most resources being held by an NPC sounds like a fun intraction but only if the said NPC is controlled by the GMs. Though I don't see large resource pool being a problem so long it doesn't lead to a "Mary Sueish" situation where your nation is the bestest because it can dominate anyone without any sorts of support. Of course that's up for the GMs to regulate. Players trading their resources sounds perhaps even more fun than doing it with NPCs.