[@Fillet] Character sheet is done! I am very sleep deprived so, if I messed something up or if something seems off, please let me know. I double checked for any typos or errors but, yeah, I may have missed something [hider=Samantha McGlynn] [IMG]https://i.gyazo.com/cd9b88e1bc63d46d18d8c4d570403456.png[/IMG] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Full name:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Samantha McGlynn[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Nickname(s):[/b][/color][/i] [indent] Sam, Sammy, or any other variation of her name is fine by her. [/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Gender:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Female[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Date of birth:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]March, 20[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Sexuality:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Homosexual, Closeted[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Appearance / Notable physical features:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Samantha is of South African descent, thinly built, and stands at 5'7" when not wearing her usual high heeled shoes. Her hair is naturally black and wavy, and has only ever been trimmed to allow it to grow out more. Because her hair reaches down to her mid-back and only continues to grow, she sometimes pulls it all back into a high ponytail or a bun, though she generally prefers letting it hang down. Her eyes almost perfectly match the color of her hair as well, as they are such a dark brown that they almost appear black. She is almost never seen without makeup on, either, though she generally keeps it natural and simple unless she's performing or going to a party. Samantha is also incredibly girly, and as such prefers to wear skirts and dresses over pants and t-shirts.[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Personality:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Cheerful, bubbly, and outgoing, Samantha enjoys being around people, especially when those people let her ramble for hours on end. Ever since she was a child, she's always enjoyed making new friends, and will often go out of her way to chat up strangers. These talks are almost always platonic, though. She is most certainly not a flirt, and any attempts to flirt with her that aren't incredibly obvious are more than likely to go right over her head. While Samantha is indeed somewhat shallow and even a bit air-headed, she is a very caring person. She may not be great with giving advice, but she's always willing to lend an ear, or a shoulder, if she knows someone's in need of it. Samantha definitely isn't one to stay in one place for long, and repetitive or "boring" tasks are bound to turn her off or cause her to become agitated. In her spare time, she likes to take trips to nearby cities or towns, spending the day exploring all sorts of shops and restaurants. This is all done spontaneously, so it's not unheard of for Samantha to suddenly disappear without telling anyone (though she thankfully keeps her phone on her at all times, along with her charger). Getting out often does wonders for her mood, but the opposite can be said for being shut indoors for too long. If Samantha isn't given anything to do that she finds entertaining, she can quickly grow restless and impatient, which leads to her becoming snappy and easily annoyed. However, she is by no means easy to anger, and she does try to keep a cool head even on her bad days.[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Roommate-ness:[/b] [/color][/i] [indent]Samantha tries to mind her own business and space, though she does have her limits. That limit being how bad something smells. She commonly keeps a pack of febreze air fresheners in her room, which she will spray around the house if something smells bad enough to her. However, she won't mess with her roomates' rooms, though she may offer them one of her air fresheners to them, or passive aggressively spray febreze around the outside of their room. Her own room is usually kept clean, if not a bit chaotic. She likes decorating the walls and surfaces of her room with all kinds of things, which can make her room look much messier than it really is. Samantha will more than likely be the first to wake up in any household, and unfortunately isn't very good at being quiet about it. While her habits are nothing excessive, she can easily wake her roommates up from turning the television or radio up too much, singing to herself or talking too loudly, or clattering plates and pans against each other carelessly. At night, however, Samantha is very quick to fall asleep, and it can be difficult to wake her before she's gotten her eight hours in.[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Public records / Bio:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Growing up in Maryland under the care of her single mother, Samantha's personal life has always been kept private. What is known to the public is vague at best, and even some of the "facts" are only based off of rumors. She first entered the public eye at the age of 14, when she started a Youtube channel originally dedicated to makeup and skincare tutorials. Although the channel was a moderate success, her habit of randomly disappearing for weeks at a time with no explanation hurt her popularity drastically. It wasn't until she was 18 that she started gaining more of a following. After a three month long hiatus, Samantha returned to her channel, now living in a crowded apartment with three of her friends from high school. In addition to her beauty tutorials, she also began uploading videos of her playing bass guitar and singing covers of her favorite songs. Her subscriber count shot up dramatically after her returning, gaining almost 6,000 new subscribers within the next year. Spurred on by the encouragement from her subscribers, she began performing in bars and clubs at night for tips, and eventually became a well known name not only on varying parts of the web, but within her hometown as well.[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Vices:[/b] [/color][/i] [indent]Samantha is very secretive about her personal life, political stances, or anything in particular that might cause conflict. She'll talk your ear off about anything else but those things. She's also always had a bit of a spending problem, along with a hoarding problem. Rather than buying large, extravagant things, though, she typically spends her money on smaller items found at thrift shops or swap meets. These items are usually just decor items, though, and are often never even displayed due to having little to no room for them. If Samantha is asked to do something she really doesn't care for, she'll put it off until she has to do it. She prefers to have fun first and worry about work later.[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Skills:[/b] [/color][/i] [indent]-Singing and harmonizing (self taught throughout high school and beyond) -Bass guitar (learned through guitar classes at her high school) -Cosmetology -Holding almost any conversation[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Other:[/b] [/color][/i] [indent]-Most of the things she cooks are sub-par at best, and she often overcooks her meals -She's rather squeamish about... anything, really. Mice, bugs, blood, left out food, etc[/indent] [/hider]