[quote=@LancerOfBlue] [hider=wip][b]Name:[/b] Jordan Murphy [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] (Pic or description) [b]Personality:[/b] Jordan is a silent kid who just doesn't like to talk much, but this may make him mistaken as shy however, in reality, he is a very talkative person. He is just more expressive when people aren't around to judge him when he starts ranting about things about his day that he didn't like and whatnot. [b]History:[/b] Born as a child from a family of three, Jordan got into dueling when his friends introduced him to the game and was a natural player after learning the rules. While he still has some struggles with the rulings, he is a fairly entertaining player who likes trying out interesting decks that are outside the norm. [b]Favorite Card/Archetype or theme: [/b] Banishment Cards-Mechanic [b]Chosen courses:[/b] Standard Dueling - Standard Summoning [b]Chosen Structure Deck:[/b] Out of Reality [Custom] [b]Custom Structure Deck List:[/b] [hider=Deck List] [list] [*]BLS - Envoy of the Beginning x1 [*]Chaos Sorcerer x2 [*]Banisher of the Light x2 [*]D.D. Assailant x2 [*]D.D. Survivor x2 [*]D.D. Warrior x2 [*]D.D. Warrior Lady x2 [*]Gren Maju Da Diza x1 [*]Helios - Primordial Sun x3 [*]Helios Duo x2 [*]Helios Trice x1 [*] [/list] [/hider] [b]Chosen Pack:[/b] (Choose any pack of yugioh cards that has ever existed. If you don't want a pack, delete this section, and add 15 points to your points section.) [b]Current deck:[/b] (In a hider, list all the cards your character is currently running) [b]Collection:[/b] (As your character gains cards, you can put them in a hider here) [b]Points:[/b] (Keep track of your points here. Points start at 0. +30 for a win, +15 for a loss, and +15 if you chose not to get a pack)[/hider] [/quote] 2 Chaos Sorcerers? little strong for a structure deck don't you think?