[center][img]http://boyculture.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8341c2ca253ef01543529937e970c-400wi[/img] [i]“Good evening, thank you for having the good sense to be frightened” - March[/i] [b]Full Name:[/b] - Unknown [b]Nickname:[/b] - Mr March [b]Age:[/b] - 33 (He Claims) [b]Place of Birth:[/b] - Presumably England [b]Family:[/b] - Unknown [b]Occupation:[/b] - Contract Killer [b]Profile:[/b] [i][u]Mystery[/u][/i] To say that the man they call March is a mystery is an understatement. Little to nothing is known of his history. In fact it’s rare to meet a single person living who has even seen his face. He is a myth, an urban legend heard only in whispers amongst the criminal underworld. A hunter of men. Anything that is known of the man is rumour and hearsay. Nobody knows the real truth but the common story is this; [i][u]Answers?[/u][/i] Presumably born somewhere in England, many believe that the boy who would come to be known as March was a public school boy. Raised by a lower middle class family, it is thought this began a thirst for the finer things in life. It is probable that something happened during this period in his life, possibly the death of someone close or some form of traumatic event which may be the trigger behind his layers of obvious personality disorders including Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Depersonalisation and Mania. Based on his rumoured skill set, it is believed that upon leaving school the boy joined the army. [i][u]Rumour has it[/u][/i] Rumour tells us that the man soon climbed the ranks in the army, eventually moving on to counter intelligence and the SAS. Some say he holds the record for the longest sniper kill in history but no records support this fact. Later, it is claimed that he eventually made his way to MI5 where his prior history, including any and all records of his life including fingerprints and birth certificates were obliterated. It was here, now with no true identity, that he was supposedly given the name of March. Claims are made that he acted as an assassin for the British Government, at least until he was caught selling secrets. Evading capture using his deadly skill set, this is where the fiction blurs into the reality and the true legend of a contract killer was born. [i][u]Can you believe it?[/u][/i] March’s actions between then and now are still hazy. What is known that since he first appeared he has built the most solid of reputations for himself; killing with ice cold precision and a fine attention to detail, he only works when there is a contract and he does not kill in discriminant. March will only kill who was paid for and who was included in whatever deal he made. Seven years ago, he was hired by Vincent Fortuna in a bid to take over the city of Justice. As bought and paid for, March systematically took out all of Vincent’s competition within the first year. Returning to the town each year since for varying reasons, March now finds himself back once again hired by Fortuna as he looks to reclaim his crown. [i][u]He'll never tell[/u][/i] Who is March? You tell me… [b]Cast Status:[/b] - Main [b]Extra:[/b] - March is the only known character to appear in all six seasons of Justice. - He has the largest “on screen” kill count in the series, with over fifty. - One of March’s signature kills is getting a victim to kill themselves out of sheer fear.[/center]